Thursday, 15 July 2021 23:00

My Hero Academia: All Quirks In Class 1-B, Ranked | Game Rant

Written by Jacob Buchalter
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Class 1-B is getting more screen time in My Hero Academia, and fans are getting more acquainted with their quirks – both powerful and less so.

Season 5 of the highly-anticipated shonen series My Hero Academia is well underway, and fans are seeing more of Class 1-B than they ever have before. Class B got to show off a bit of their prowess during the Forest Training Camp Arc, but not nearly as much as the current arc that's pitting them against 1-A.

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Class B has a lot more oddball Quirks, making them a bit more difficult to categorize. Plus, between all the seasons of this series, the students in Class B who haven't got as much of the spotlight have made up for it by training their Quirks. It's worth the time to go through them all, and rank them from weakest to strongest.

20 Yosetsu Awase’s Quirk: Weld

Yosetus Awase is one of the Class B students that fans have seen the most. Awase’s Quirk is called “Weld”, and it lets him weld anything together, organic or inorganic, as if he was welding metal. It’s one of the many Emitter-type Quirks in Class B, more suited for restraining villains than fighting them.

Sure, it can be used for more than just locking opponents down. However, the fact that Awase has to touch his opponent to do it sadly puts him at the bottom of this list.

19 Kojiro Bondo’s Quirk: Cemendine

Like the last Quirk, Bondo's is another one perfect for restricting people. Bondo’s Quirk Cemendine lets him spray copious amounts of a glue-like substance from the holes in his head, and he can also control how fast it dries.

If Kojiro was a fantastic fighter, he could use Cemendine splurts to throw enemies off guard and capitalize on them getting stuck. Sadly, he's not. The few times he's used his power in the show, it's been pretty lackluster and very similar to Mineta's cowardly ways of using his Quirk. But in his defense, MHA is constantly battling to introduce new characters, so Bondo doesn't get a ton of chances to show off.

18 Kosei Tsuburaba’s Quirk: Solid Air

Solid Air is the last of this restraining-focused group of Quirks, and it’s probably the best of the three. While it doesn’t have the long-range potential of Cemendine, it’s not nearly as close-range as Weld but is equally as versatile.

As of Tsubaraba’s current level in the anime, the air he solidifies is strong enough to withstand a few blows from a metal pipe. Solid Air has a ton of potential in comparison to some other Quirks on this list, but that all depends on how creatively Kosei can train and advance.

17 Sen Kaibara’s Quirk: Gyrate

Like Solid Air, Gyrate is potentially very strong, but Kaibara hasn’t quite figured out all the applications for it yet. It allowed him to fight Ojiro to a standstill, thanks to his spinning hands drilling into Tailman's tail, but he could’ve done so much more.

This Quirk requires a lot of creative thinking to utilize it well, and tends to be only useful at close range. Thus, it’s pretty low on the list.

16 Kinoko Komori’s Quirk: Mushroom

Normally, Komori’s Quirk would be decent if not good because its wide range. This Quirk can completely overwhelm both an area and a group of people as long as the mushrooms have enough time to grow, since they can grow on any surface.

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The real scary part of this Quirk is how Komori grow fungi within a person's body, such as within their lungs. This means that anyone who gets near her is at risk of suffocation if she feels like it. But because she's such a sweet girl, it's another example of a character with a power that they rarely use. If Komori was more villainous, who knows what else she could do.

15 Setsuna Tokage’s Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter

One of the creepier Quirks in the series so far, Setsuna Tokage’s Quirk works similarly to Captain Buggy’s Devil Fruit Power in One Piece. Setsuna can separate her body into individually controllable parts, as well as fly around with them.

Fans saw how this Quirk could be used to strategically counter recon-type Quirks, but not so much how it could be used in a combat setting. Because it's not clear how much "power" each part has behind it, nobody knows how powerful this Quirk could really be.

14 Reiko Yanagi’s Quirk: Poltergeist

Poltergeist works similarly to Lizard Tail Splitter, only Reiko can control any amount of objects like Setsuna controls the pieces of her body. And unlike Tail Splitter, this power has well-defined limits (mostly).

Poltergeist is another utility-type Quirk that can be immensely helpful in the right situation, but needs careful teamwork and planning to truly shine. Plus, since Yanagi can only lift objects as heavy an average human, her Quirk doesn’t have a ton of destructive potential.

13 Pony Tsunotori’s Quirk: Horn Cannon

Horn Cannon is one of the weirder Quirks from one of the weirder Class B students, Pony Tsunotori. Pony launches her horns like projectiles and can fully control them in the air. (There's really a projectile-based pattern here.)

After launching one pair of horns, a new pair almost instantly grows back, similar to Mineta’s head grapes. There's a lot she can do with these things, as they pack a punch and have a high carrying capacity. But once someone understands how her Quirk works and how to stop it, Horn Cannon is relatively easy to counter.

12 Itsuka Kendo’s Quirk: Big Fist

Class B’s Class Representative, Itsuka Kendo, has a Quirk called Big Fist. As one would expect, it allows Kendo to control the size of her fists to a pretty substantial degree. On paper, this Quirk seems awful, or at the very least relatively weak. Yet in the hands of someone capable like Kendo, it’s pretty strong.

It’s also another Quirk that viewers haven’t seen the upper limit of. Because it's a lot more combat-focused, this Quirk can beat out a lot of the more strategic ones. Maybe Kendo will become a hero similar to Mirko, with overwhelming power that beats any and all strategies.

11 Togaru Kamakiri’s Quirk: Razor Sharp

By far one of the deadliest Quirks in Class B, Razor Sharp would be terrifying in the hands of any villain (though there are enough overpowered villains). With it, Togaru can produce blades of any shape or size from any part of his body.

He can use these blades to cut through steel, stick into the terrain around him to lock him in place, block attacks, and more. These blades appear durable, and there's versatility in being able to turn any part of the human body into a weapon. Razor Sharp is another Quirk with sky-high potential.

10 Hiryu Rin’s Quirk: Scales

Imagine if Kirishima could both Harden like he normally does, but also shoot out bits of hardened skin like bullets That’s basically Hiryu Rin’s Quirk, Scale. Rin can reinforce his entire body with these scales, launch them from his gauntlets like a machine gun, or even turn his scales sharp-side outward in order to hurt anyone that hits him.

His defense isn’t quite as high as a normal hardening Quirk like Steel or Harden. However, because he can fight both long and close-range, Rin has a lot more options during a fight than most other Class B students.

9 Nirengeki Shoda’s Quirk: Twin Impact

It’s still a bit unclear if Shoda’s Twin Impact Qurik only works on impacts he causes, or on any impact in his view. Either way, his Quirk is absurdly strong and has to potential to be one of the strongest Hero Quirks out there. It allows him to exponentially increase the speed/power of certain impacts in his view, which is scary considering how naturally strong this kid is.

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If MHA wasn't such a kid-friendly series, Shoda would be a character who could basically turn any gun into a railgun, or any thrown object into something equivalent to a cannonball. In a physical fight, any hit Shoda lands leaves enemies cautious, wondering when the second impact will hit.

8 Shihai Kuroiro’s Quirk: Black

In the hands of an assassin, this Quirk would be one of the strongest in existence. Even in the hands of a hero, though, it’s still pretty powerful. The Quirk simply named "Black" has almost no combat potential. But in terms of hiding from the enemy or keeping them guessing, it’s one of the best out there.

Because Vantablack’s size or mass doesn’t matter when he merges with darkness, it could easily be used to sneak into places, potentially even inside people. What if Vantablack was villainous, waited until someone opened their mouth, hid inside the darkness in their mouth, then jumped out? Could he then explode people from the inside? Again, an R-Rated version of this series would have a lot of potential.

7 Yui Kodai’s Quirk: Size

Vantablack's Quirk isn't the only one that could “explode” somebody. Kodai could easily do with anything at all. She could hand someone a pill, , wait until they swallow it, then use her Quirk to expand the pill's size to, say, the size of a truck. Again, it’s a good thing that these people are heroes, because these Quirks could be deadly in the wrong hands.

This is another Quirk that Kohei Hoshikori (MHA’s mangaka) hasn’t shown an upper limit for. Who knows how exponentially large or small Kodai could make something.

6 Manga Fukidashi’s Quirk: Comic

Of all the Quirks in Class B, Manga’s is likely the most versatile. For anyone who read Fairy Tail, his Quirk essentially works like the Solid Script that Levy used. Instead of giving physical form to any and all words, Fukidashi can only do it with onomatopoeia.

Still, never underestimate the power of sound effects. Depending on the words he chooses, Mr. Fukidashi could actually replicate a lot of other students' Quirks, such as Bakugo's, Todoroki's, or even Mineta's.

5 Jurota Shishida’s Quirk: Beast

While a lot of other Quirks on this list are powerful, they won’t do much in a hand-to-hand fight where split-second decisions are everything. But Shishida’s Beast Quirk is one of the best fans have seen so far for close-ranged combat.

While in Beast Form, Jurota is faster, stronger, more durable, more observant, and larger. He can even detect things by smell. And if he’s ever captured, Jurota can easily escape by either shrinking down or expanding by using Beast. It’s a simple Quirk to be sure, but sometimes simple is best.

4 Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu’s Quirk: Steel

Speaking of simplistic Quirks, the best of all of them is Steel. This is Testutestu’s Quirk, Class B’s version of Kirishima. It allows him to turn his entire body into steel, similar to Colossus from the X-Men comics.

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In this form, Testsu can charge through almost anything, overpower anyone who doesn’t have superhuman strength, and even withstand extreme conditions like being surrounded by fire. Of course, he’s weak to anything that could hurt steel, but that’s not a very long list.

3 Ibara Shiozaki’s Quirk: Vines

The only Reason Ibara’s Vines Quirk beasts out Steel is because of its versatility. Ibara doesn’t seem to have a strict limit on how many vines she can create. She can control them like an infinite number of tendrils coming from her body, and she can fight at any range with them.

If Ibara trained in martial arts, she could easily make vine weapons or armor that would make her a threat in close range as well. Ibara’s Quirk is about as versatile as Fukidashi’s, but with a lot more use in combat situations.

2 Juzo Honenuki’s Quirk: Softening

Juzo is by far one of the best students in Class B. He got into UA on recommendations alone, and he's incredibly flexible in his thinking. Furthermore, his Quirk allows him to completely control any battlefield he’s on.

Again, if Juzo was a villain, he could use his Quirk to soften the ground underneath someone and then return it to normal once opponents were submerged, essentially burying them alive. Juzo's Quirk gives him the ability to disable almost anyone almost instantly. Who knows what else he could do with it, given enough training and time.

1 Neito Monoma’s Quirk: Copy

A power that copies other powers will always be one of the best around. Though Monoma can’t use multiple Quirks at once, he can switch between multiple ones he’s copied and stack their effects that way.

For example, say he copied Sugar Rush, ate something sweet to gain super strength, punched someone, then used Twin Impact to exponentially increase the power of the superhuman punch. If Monoma ever loses control and goes all-out in a figh, it'd likely end up as one of the best fights in the series. 

 NEXT: My Hero Academia: The Strongest Members Of The League Of Villains, Ranked According To Strength

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