Friday, 16 July 2021 19:12

Dark Souls 3: The 5 Best Strength Builds | Game Rant

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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Dark Souls 3 players seeking to demolish their enemies with an overwhelming show of melee power should consider trying out one of these top builds!

Those seeking to dominate their enemies at close range often focus on either Dexterity or Strength, the latter of which is used to wield some of the hugest and heaviest weapons in Dark Souls 3. Builds that focus on this stat prioritize maximizing damage output, though often in the bluntest and most straightforward manners.

RELATED: Dark Souls 3: Items Every Two-Handed Build Should Have

Over the years since this incredible dark fantasy action RPG was released, players have been finding increasingly novel ways to utilize the Strength stat for the best builds possible in DS3. Some of which can be recreated with some insight into their stats, equipment, and concept.

Updated on July 17, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman: Putting together a cool and crazy build is always fun, though, novelty does not always equate to success, as experienced foes in PvP using generic and overused tactics can mercilessly put down players trying to experiment and have fun. While annoying, and possibly upsetting, those that intend on coming up with a truly excellent Strength build should also plan for how to counter the conventional PvP strategies. This, of course, will require some fine-tuning and adjustments to suits one's preferences and goals, but such is the way of a constantly evolving battlefield rife with tons of weapons and magic.

5 Efficient Strength

Build Overview

This build aims to perform all the basic maneuvers that Strength builds are capable of, though with a streamlined plan that can be altered as needed, such as splitting up the points invested in Faith with Intelligence for pyromancies instead of miracles.

The goal of this best Strength build in Dark Souls 3 is to hit foes hard at close range while poising through their attacks to stagger and maybe stun-lock them or using spells to pressure them from further away. Nothing ground-breaking, but none can deny this Greatsword-using build is a reliable one.

PVP Tips

The biggest counter to this build is dark-type magic, as Morne's Set does not possess the greatest damage reduction against this element.

This means that players will be susceptible to dark sorceries and dark miracles, however, those who are using the Faith variant of this build should be able to deal with these kinds of threats better than Intelligence-focused ones.


  • Souls Level: 120
  • Vigor: 27
  • Attunement: 14
  • Endurance: 30
  • Vitality: 37
  • Strength: 50
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Intelligence: 8 (30 if using pyromancies)
  • Faith: 30 (8 if using pyromancies)
  • Luck: 11


  • Right Hand: Heavy Greatsword +10
  • Left Hand: Simple Small Leather Shield +10 (& Talisman +10 or Pyromancy Flame +10)
  • Head: Morne's Helm
  • Chest: Morne's Armor
  • Hands: Morne's Gauntlets
  • Legs: Morne's Leggings
  • Ring 1: Havel's Ring
  • Ring 2: Ring of Favor
  • Ring 3: Prisoner's Chain
  • Ring 4: Knight's Ring

4 Pure Strength Tank

Build Overview

Players seeking the ability to poise through nearly anything should try out this tanky approach to DS3's combat. Utilizing the bonus poise granted by equipping Yhorm's Greatshield, the plan is to go hit-for-hit in damage trades and come out on top while forcing the foe to back off, allowing one to keep applying pressure.

The Zweihander is the weapon that the creator of this build, Youtuber Crozyn, uses, however, Yhorm's Great Machete would not be a bad choice either.

PVP Tips

As with many other DS3 Strength builds, one of the biggest weaknesses of this one is the slow attack speed, however, this can be compensated by outthinking the opponent. It's unlikely that one will be able to land a clean hit on the enemy when swinging wildly, so make sure to lure them in with a feint of some sort so that they begin attacking.

With a setup like this, taking melee hits is actually a good thing as it will temporarily keep the foe in place long enough to land that first crucial hit, which can be followed up with others as the adversary is stun-locked.

RELATED: Dark Souls 3: A Guide To Building The Ultimate Two-Handed Weapon Character


  • Souls Level: 120
  • Vigor: 42
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 35
  • Vitality: 35
  • Strength: 50
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 9
  • Luck: 7


  • Right Hand: Heavy Zweihander +10
  • Left Hand: Yhorm's Greatshield +5
  • Head: Black Iron Helm
  • Chest: Black Iron Armor
  • Hands: Fallen Knight Gauntlets
  • Legs: Northern Trousers
  • Ring 1: Life Ring
  • Ring 2: Cloranthy Ring
  • Ring 3: Ring of Favor
  • Ring 4: Havel's Ring

3 Black Knight Greataxe

Build Overview

Here's one that fans of the lore will appreciate, as it aims to use one of the heftier black knight weapons to not only stagger and stun-lock foes but to do so with arguably the best moveset out of any greataxe. The greater than average poise health and poise damage grants wielders of the Black Knight Greataxe the ability to trade blows optimally.

Using some rings to boost one's stats for greater scaling bonuses adds to this build's viability, especially if the player includes some parries and damage-boosted ripostes.

PVP Tips

Much like how the black knights hunted and felled foes much greater in size than themselves, the Black Knight Greataxe is arguably the best DS3 Strength build weapon to use against other great weapons if one wants to beat them at their own game.

The greater poise health and damage enhance the aggressive moveset, especially the one-handed strong attack that can flatten foes similar to what a great hammer can do as well as the fully charged two-handed strong attack that can launch players into the air.


  • Souls Level: 120
  • Vigor: 40
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 40
  • Vitality: 30
  • Strength: 50
  • Dexterity: 27
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 9
  • Luck: 7


  • Right Hand: Black Knight Greataxe +5
  • Left Hand: Small Leather Shield +10
  • Head: Black Knight Helm
  • Chest: Black Knight Armor
  • Hands: Black Knight Gauntlets
  • Legs: Black Knight Leggings
  • Ring 1: Carthus Milkring
  • Ring 2: Hornet Ring
  • Ring 3: Hunter's Ring
  • Ring 4: Knight's Ring

2 Ledo's OP Strength

Build Overview

As this weapon requires the wielder to possess 60 Strength to even be used, this build, by Youtuber Games 4 Days, that focuses on using Ledo's Great Hammer will require players to put even more points into this desirable melee stat.

The extra points are worth it, as this build can demolish a great variety of foes at close range thanks to the great hammer's devastating weapon skill, Call to Stone, which essentially turns the player into a living wrecking ball for a few seconds.

PVP Tips

Since Ledo's Greathammer is relatively short, it does not have the best reach with its regular attacks, however, this can be used to one's advantage.

Enemies who acclimatize to this great hammer's range will likely become more and more confident as a duel progresses, though, players can surprise too-close foes with the weapon skill that has a surprisingly far reach and can stun enemies who panic and mistime their dodge rolls. If the player has enough stamina left, they can follow up their Call to Stone attack with regular strikes for an insane and deadly combo.

RELATED: The Best Hammers In Dark Souls 3 (& 5 Worst)


  • Souls Level: 125
  • Vigor: 45
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 45
  • Vitality: 32
  • Strength: 60
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 9
  • Luck: 7


  • Right Hand: Ledo's Great Hammer +5
  • Left Hand: Caestus +10
  • Head: Helm of Thorns
  • Chest: Harald Legion Armor
  • Hands: Black Witch Wrappings
  • Legs: Morne's Leggings
  • Ring 1: Ring of Favor
  • Ring 2: Wolf Ring
  • Ring 3: Prisoner's Chain
  • Ring 4: Havel's Ring

1 Strength & Faith Greataxe

Players seeking a Strength build requiring less raw power and brute force should put some points into Faith, though not for lightning-base ranged miracles. Using the Lightning Blade miracle to buff one's weapon with lightning damage so that even foes with great physical defense won't be able to get off light from damage trades.

This is a relatively simple tactic that has many variants, though, the reason for this is because it is a tried and true method of taking enemies out in both PvE and PvP.

PVP Tips

Flexibility is what makes this one of the best Strength builds in Dark Souls 3, as being able to hit hard, parry, and deal with incoming spells essentially sets one up to deal with any kind of foe save crazy niche ones or the occasionally one-shot builds.

Observe one's opponent to see whether they plan to utilize ranged or melee attacks and then act accordingly: for ranged foes, chase them down and don't give them time to cast spells by making use of running and jumping attacks, though, for melee threats, one should be a bit more cautious and maybe mix in a parry attempt between repeatedly bringing down one's Greataxe upon the enemy's skull.


  • Souls Level: 120
  • Vigor: 40
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 40
  • Vitality: 15
  • Strength: 45
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 41
  • Luck: 7


  • Right Hand: Heavy Greataxe +10
  • Left Hand: Small Leather Shield +10 (& Yorshka's Chime +10)
  • Head: Dancer's Crown
  • Chest: Dancer's Armor
  • Hands: Dancer's Gauntlets
  • Legs: Dancer's Leggings
  • Ring 1: Priestess Ring
  • Ring 2: Knight's Ring
  • Ring 3: Havel's Ring
  • Ring 4: Hornet Ring

NEXT: Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough - Boss Guides, Tips, & Help

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