Saturday, 17 July 2021 09:50

Mass Effect 2: Every Romance Option, Ranked | Game Rant

Written by Kayleigh Partleton
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BioWare's Mass Effect 2 allows Commander Shepard to find love. Which romance option in the game ranks as the best?

The galaxy can be a vast and lonely place, especially when Commander Shepard is trying to save the Milky Way. It is essential to build a strong squad and form close bonds if everyone is to survive the suicide mission.

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Sometimes, feelings develop, and there is more than a friendship at stake between the hero and their teammate. In Mass Effect 2, there are multiple choices, all of which are interested in a full romantic relationship with the galactic hero. However, that doesn't necessarily mean Shepard should pursue these relationships. So, who is worth the Commander's time, and who should get a firm no?

Updated on July 17th, 2021 by Ritwik Mitra: Mass Effect 2 is considered by many to be one of the greatest action RPGs of all time, and it's easy to see why this is the case. There are several reasons as to why this game holds such an esteemed reputation, but the biggest contributor to this factor absolutely has to be the wide cast of memorable characters in the series. Some of these characters can become romantic partners further down the line too... although some are simply better than others. Here's a look at some of Mass Effect 2's best romances, and some of the weaker options as well.

9 Morinth

Morinth is certainly one of the more interesting characters in Mass Effect 2. Her status as a dreaded Ardat-Yakshi means that players will need to hunt her down as a part of Samara's loyalty mission.

However, if the player is going down the Renegade path, then they can definitely choose Morinth over Samara instead. This leads to a situation where Shepard can agree to sleep with Morinth... only to die during this tryst due to Morinth being able to drain the life force of the people she sleeps with.

8 Jacob Taylor

Jacob is not god's gift to women. Exclusive to a female Shepard, Taylor is one persistent guy. The Commander will need to refuse his advances multiple times before he will get the hint. In a sense, his persistence is admirable and flattering, but that is where it ends.

There are very few redeeming qualities for Jacob. Moreover, the romance itself feels empty and very artificial. It is hard to form any sort of meaningful bond, which is not helped by Jacob's non-existent personality. The best thing about romancing Jacob is the talk that Mordin feels he has to give the Commander. To top it off, should Shepard feel inclined to provide Taylor with a chance, they could well regret that decision come Mass Effect 3.

7 Kelly Chambers

The Normandy SR-2 features a new character who serves as the yeoman of the ship. Kelly Chambers is a fairly unremarkable character, for the most part, serving as a by-the-numbers crew member that Shepard can occasionally flirt with.

Even the scene where she and Shepard share a personal moment doesn't really have anything noteworthy to mention. It's just a boring romantic option for players who might've exhausted all their other options.

6 Samara

To be fair, Samara doesn't really have a scene where she copulates her romance with Shepard. However, the sheer tenderness of their romantic encounters makes her one of Mass Effect 2's best romances simply because of how these moments are perfectly in line with her character and her motives.

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Samara won't even give Shepard the opportunity to declare his interest if he's strayed down a dark path. However, if the commander aligns himself with Paragon virtues and doesn't stop showing his interest in Samara, then the two almost share a kiss... before the Justicar's values end up conflicting with her feelings.

Persistent players who absolutely love Samara with all their heart need to wait for the third game in the series before this romance finally sees the light of day.

5 Thane Krios

An interesting choice, Thane Krios is a romance option for a female commander. As a Drell, Thane makes for an intriguing companion, regardless of if Shepard takes him to bed or not. However, being a great conversationalist doesn't necessarily make Krios a great romance. Though make no mistake, he is leaps and bounds ahead of Jacob.

Unfortunately, what could have made for a sweet relationship is marred by circumstances surrounding Thane. But, he could be worth a go for any Shepard that has a particular interest in Drells, or aliens in general.

4 Tali'Zorah vas Neema

The people have spoken. Fans of the first game asked for a romance with Tali, and BioWare granted their wish. Frankly, Bioware did a fantastic job with the relationships in Mass Effect 2 and Tali finds herself in fourth through no fault of her own. The Quarian is a great character and can make for one of the best romances in Mass Effect 2.

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However, Tali just happens to be outshined by the remaining few choices. The Commander has known Tali since their run-in with the Geth, therefore, there is a solid foundation of friendship to build upon. Which, quite frankly, is a joy to watch, but Tali's character growth is not quite as drastic as other male Shepard romances.

3 Garrus Vakarian

Much like Tali, Mass Effect fans worldwide asked for the chance to woo their favorite Turian. As such, Garrus Vakarian also became a romanceable companion in Mass Effect 2. However, this alien is only interested in a female commander.

Garrus is quite the awkward charmer. It was certainly both fun and surprising to see him fall to mush when trying to show Shepard that he cares. His romance is undoubtedly worth pursuing and arguably one of the best Mass Effect 2 romances on offer in the entire series for a female Shepard. However, having already met and gotten to know Garrus, there are not too many layers left to peel back. Thus, the romance has less depth than the remaining two. Though make no mistake, the Turian certainly deserves the time of day.

2 Jack

It was certainly disappointing to discover that BioWare changed Jack's sexuality. It would have been great if she was kept pansexual and an option for both genders.

However, this does not take away from the raw emotion that can be felt in one of ME2's best romances. Being with Jack is a wild ride, yet it is very rewarding. The psychotic biotic has a tragic backstory, one that certainly explains her harsh behavior. Yet, as the game goes on the connection grows, Jack shows a part of herself that nobody expected. As with multiple entries on this list, players can continue Jack's romance in Mass Effect 3.

1 Miranda Lawson

Now then, Miss Lawson was quite the shocker. Many hated her upon first meeting the Cerberus operative and with good reason. She was so cold that it felt as though the Normandy was a flying freezer. She clearly couldn't stand the Commander, even if she had to respect his abilities.

The more Shepard gets to know Miranda, the more apparent it becomes that they can melt the icy exterior. While Miranda's backstory is not as awful as Jack's, she still struggled in other ways, which made her this way. Over the course of the game, she opens up and grows, thanks largely to the growing bond with Shepard. There are some touching moments to be had with Lawson, even if her romance scene doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Next: Every Mass Effect Squad Member, Ranked

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