Saturday, 17 July 2021 12:00

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance - Catti-brie's 10 Best Feats, Ranked

Written by Cameron Cook
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Catti-brie is one of Dark Alliance's most versatile characters. These feats best suit her skillset and should make things easier throughout the game.

Wizards of the Coast's new Dungeons & Dragons game allows players to take control of the famed drow ranger Drizzt Do'urden and his adventuring companions. One such companion is the human archer Catti-Brie, who acts as the primary ranged character for the game.

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When a character levels up, they gain access to a feat point, allowing them to unlock a single feat from their respective feat trees. These feats provide permanent bonuses to the stats and abilities of the characters. Catti-Brie requires many of these feats as she has the lowest starting health and is thus the flimsiest champion.

10 Mobile

  • Feat Tree: Longstrider
  • Minimum Level: 10
  • Description: 15% Armor Bonus

Catt-Brie was designed as the game's main ranged character and her health seems to reflect this as she starts with the lowest constitution score. Giving Catti-Brie an armor bonus helps give her some survivability in melee combat or from pesky archers that shoot back at her.

This feat comes later down Catti-Brie's defense feat tree meaning she has already had to pick up another 7% armor bonus before this, giving her a 22% armor bonus total. This gives her decent defense, but she should leave the tanking to those better equipped, such as Bruenor.

9 Quick Draw

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 15% Cooldown Reduction

Catti-Brie's main role on the team is as the ranged DPS while also providing crowd control. One of the main ways she can provide crowd control is through her abilities, which have the potential to grapple or slow enemies. This means that cooldown reduction is invaluable to a crowd control build for Catti-Brie.

For a full crowd control build Catti-Brie also gets the Keen Mind feat for another 15% cooldown reduction. One of her best armor sets, Battlehammer Princess, grants up to another 15% cooldown reduction and other ability benefits, meaning a total of a 45% cooldown reduction.

8 Stalker

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 1
  • Description: 5% Physical Damage Bonus

While Drizzt and Wulfgar are considered to be the main two DPS characters in the game, Catti-Brie can still do her fair share of damage in a fight. This feat in itself isn't too impressive, however, it is the first feat in The Archer feat tree, unlocking access to her more offensive feats.

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The 5% damage granted by this feat increase applies to all of Catti-Brie's attacks, unlike her other feats, which apply greater bonuses to a more limited set of attacks.

7 Athletic

  • Feat Tree: Cunning
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 15% Stamina Cost Reduction from Evades and Dodges

Catti-Brie acts as the game's main ranged character and as such, she is supposed to spend a great deal of time back from the fight. Many of her moves give her an offensive maneuver while allowing her to retreat to a safe distance.

When she is in melee combat, Catti-Brie will need to dodge and evade to avoid being hit since her health is usually one of the lowest in the party. A stamina cost reduction to her dodges and evades means she can conserve stamina for her moves since wasting stamina is one of the biggest mistakes a player can make.

6 Horde Breaker

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 15% Physical Damage Bonus when more than 3 enemies are within 20 meters.

Getting three enemies within 20 meters can seem like a little bit of a challenge, so this might be a feat that many players will avoid. This feat can come in particularly handy during melee combat.

Since Catti-Brie ranks as one of the worst solos heroes to play, this feat can make up for some of her inherent problems. As she can easily become outnumbered during a fight, she can retreat and gain more damage over large groups of enemies.

5 Martial Adept

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 1
  • Description: 10% Physical Damage Bonus on Melee Attacks.

Catti-Brie's main weakness is her lack of melee capabilities. Gaining this 10% physical damage is a large increase in her melee prowess. This melee damage increase gives her a higher DPS as she dives into the fray for melee combat.

In a team fight, she can start an encounter with melee combat, using her crowd control on enemies while her teammates help fight. She can follow this up by then using her variety of escape moves to retreat from the fight and begin using her arrow attacks.

4 Sharpshooter

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 10
  • Description: 15% Critical Chance on Arrows.

Arrows make up the majority of Catti-Brie's arsenal and represent an even larger part of her playstyle. The 15% critical hit chance is a significant boost to her crit chance and can be combined with a high dexterity score and the Goblin Reaper armor set for an even bigger increase to her stats.

While Drizzt also has critical hit feats, his playstyle differs as he is much more melee-focused, with the defense and armor to make up for his lack of health. Catti-Brie lacks this so her criticals are best saved for her arrows as she should be spending most of her time away from a fight.

3 Colossus Slayer

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 15% Physical Damage Bonus on enemies below 25% HP.

Any physical damage bonus granted by a feat should be treated as a strong buff, especially when it's as big as a 15% increase. The drawback of this bonus only applying to low health enemies isn't as restricting as it may first appear.

The extra damage on lower health enemies gives Catti-Brie a slight edge over her companions at getting the killing blow on enemies and if she uses her arrows to finish the enemy off then she triggers a team attack, something players should utilize for in co-op.

2 Piercing Arrow

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 1
  • Description: 100% Physical Damage Bonus for Charged Arrows.

Catti-Brie spends a lot of time using her arrows from long range, so it is vital that she upgrades them as soon as possible. One of the early upgrades in her offensive tree effectively doubles her damage from charged arrows.

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Even for players trying to play solo or with more melee, this feat is still a major help. After using one of her moves to escape Catti-Brie usually has enough time to charge and release a few arrows before enemies finally get back within melee distance.

1 Precision Shot

  • Feat Tree: The Archer
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description:+40% Critical Damage from Arrows.

As the second Dexterity-based hero in the game, along with Drizzt, it seems obvious that Catti-Brie should focus on building some critical chance and damage, and the extra 40% crit damage on all arrows is a great addition to her stats.

This is especially good since most of her high damaging moves and attacks are from firing arrows, leading the damage to ramp up quickly. Especially since this feat leads on to Sharpshooter which gives a large increase to crit chance, meaning the high damage attacks are likely to happen more frequently.

NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance – Tips For Solo Players

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