Saturday, 17 July 2021 16:09

Weird Red Dead Redemption 2 Glitch Makes Arthur Spawn with John's Outfit

Written by Jared Stewart
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A Red Dead Redemption 2 fan finds a glitch that creates even more similarities between the game's two protagonists, Arthur Morgan and John Marston.

Red Dead Redemption 2 serves as a direct prequel to the original game's narrative. Fans play as protagonist Arthur Morgan, whose exploits lead right up into the events of Red Dead Redemption. But, as fans who have completed Red Dead Redemption 2 are aware, the game does not conclude with Morgan's story.


Red Dead Redemption 2 has a sizeable epilogue that lets fans play as John Marston, the original game's protagonist, as he and his family attempt to create a civilized life for themselves. Fans have argued that Marston's appearance throughout the epilogue is remarkably similar to Morgan's. Strangely, the two protagonists are given identical hair and beard assets. When the player goes to trim or style their hair, they see the same options that Morgan has. Recently, one fan has discovered a glitch that further blurs the line between their appearances.

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Redditor drago0_ has shared screenshot images of a strange glitch where Morgan has spawned wearing Marston's iconic outfit. Marston's outfit, dubbed the Cowboy in Red Dead Redemption 2, makes its appearance during the epilogue. But the outfit is strictly meant for Marston's character, and Morgan is supposedly unable to access it. The fan claims that this glitch occurred while they were replaying missions, with no logical explanation for why Morgan may have spawned with Marston's outfit equipped.

Perhaps it is possible that drago0_ may have been playing epilogue missions beforehand. This way, the outfit may have loaded in while spawning into the Annesburg mission involving Edith Downes. Another fan has questioned whether this glitch was actually a mod. But drago0_ insists that they are playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on a PS4 and without mods.

Some fans have observed that Morgan's character model also appears underweight. Besides core systems that players must micromanage throughout Red Dead Redemption 2 in order to sustain health, stamina, and Dead Eye, players can also lose or gain weight significantly. If players refuse or forget to eat on a regular basis, the character will become skinnier and suffer a detriment to their health core, while gaining a boost in stamina. Rather, if players eat profusely, then the character will become larger and experience the opposite effect to their cores. However, drago0_ has stated that their stats confirm Arthur "was at perfect weight."

Consensus to the fan's screenshots agree that the outfit may be giving off the skinny look. Since this outfit is not supposed to be accessible to Morgan, it would be unsurprising if the glitched outfit was also disfiguring the character model inside it. Whether the glitch is repeatable or not, drago0_ has found another interesting connection between the two protagonists in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: How Red Dead Redemption 3 Starring Hosea Could Work

Source: Reddit

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