Monday, 19 July 2021 02:56

The Best Weapons in Bloodborne | Game Rant

Written by Ian McCollum
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Bloodborne has a massive arsenal of weapons for players to choose from, but some weapons are considered to be the best in the entire game.

Bloodborne has a daunting selection of amazing weapons, all with different stats and abilities; with so many in the game, some are better than others. Realistically, many players can beat the game with one of the three starter weapons received in Hunter's Dream. This does not make them the best by any means, as Bloodborne has some amazing weapons, even the weaker scaling ones.

To be considered the best, a weapon must meet certain criteria. First is the weapon's maxed-out scaling, its transformations, and finally its usefulness throughout the game. Weapons included in the DLC are also considered some of the best. In no particular order, these are the best weapons players can find and upgrade in Bloodborne.

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Inside the walls of Cainhurst Castle lays the Cainhurst Hunter Badge, which allows the player to purchase the Chikage: a katana that utilizes the player's skill and bloodtinge attributes. The first form of the katana starts with D scaling in skill, and it caps only at B scaling upon upgrading the weapon to plus 10. Ironically, the single-edged blade has a double-edge sword mechanic for its transformation, inflicting fast poison on the player. Yet, it also coats the blade in blood, adding S scaling in Bloodtinge. It's a high-risk, high-reward weapon that can deal massive damage while keeping players on their toes while using its transformation. To wield the Chikage properly, the player must have leveled strength 10, skill 14, and bloodtinge 12.

The Holy Moonlight Sword is a weapon found in the Old Hunters DLC after defeating Ludwig. The sword plays similarly to greatswords in Dark Souls, with the option of one-handed or two-handed combat. The sword's first form is a thinner version wrapped in bandages that swing from side to side; meanwhile, its transformed two-handed form deals arcane damage and strength damage. With B scaling in strength and A scaling in arcane, the Holy Moonlight Sword deals massive damage and staggers most enemies. Unfortunately, it takes quicksilver bullets to channel the charged R2 and L2 arcane abilities, requiring players to manage resources.

Another strength-based weapon, the Whirligig Saw, is a DLC item located in Hunter's Nightmare. Starting with B scaling in strength and ending with S scaling, the Whirligig Saw is great for crowd control and dealing massive damage. The weapon's first form utilizes only the handle that deals minimal damage compared to its second form utilizing the weapon's namesake. Its circular saw-blades can be used in massive sweeping attacks as well as crushing powerful beatdowns. It can also be imbued with elemental paper for an extra boost in power, combined with additional serrated damage that stacks, meaning the weapon can stagger even the biggest of bosses.

Yet another DLC weapon, Simon's Bowblade scales in both skill and bloodtinge attributes. Being both a ranged and close-quarters weapon makes Simon's Bowblade one of the most useful weapons in the game, effective at cutting down large groups of enemies while also picking off enemies from a distance. The Bowblade requires 15 skill points and nine bloodtinge points to be used, and with maximized fortification, it has S scaling in both classes. The first configuration deals its damage in skill-based scaling, while its transformation deals its damage in bloodtinge. Acquiring the weapon can be done in two ways: the first option being to kill Simon the Harrowed, the second option is to finish his questline.

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Unfortunately for first-time players, the Burial Blade is not available until they defeat one of the game's final bosses, yet it is worth investing in for additional playthroughs. Both of its configurations at the max fortification have only B scaling in skill and arcane. Yet, Burial Blade makes up for its B scaling by dealing both physical and arcane damage simultaneously. This classified trick weapon has good attacks for close-quarters combat and crowd control thanks to massive sweeps in scythe form. Burial Blade is also good for battles with massive bosses because its range can reach their weak points, leaving them open for a visceral attack.

Another weapon from the DLC, and starting with C scaling in skill, is the Rakuyo that requires 20 skill points to use. The Rakuyo has A scaling in skill with max fortification, beating out the Chikage's skill scaling. This trick weapon makes up for damage with a more diverse move set than its rival katana. Transforming the Rakuyo has the player dual-wielding the blade with a shorter blade in the left hand for longer combos. Unlike the Chikage, the Rakuyo can be imbued with elemental paper for additional damage. To acquire the blade, players will find it in the Fishing Hamlet in a conspicuous hole. It requires skill and guts to obtain, but in the end it is worth the pain.

Bloodletter is a powerful weapon found in the DLC that requires the player to find the key to Brador's cell and kill him. The weapon is a mace in its base form and transforms into a bloody morning star. The transformation requires the player to trade off some health, making it another high-risk, high-reward weapon. Bloodletter has A scaling in strength and S scaling in bloodtinge at max fortification, and changes damage based on the form used; its morning star form also has an L2 ability causing frenzy to enemies and the player alike. Like other heavy-damage weapons in the game, Bloodletter is good for dealing massive damage to enemies and causes staggering. PvP is where this weapon shines, as it is great for handling multiple invaders at once with its range, power, and careful utilize frenzy

The heaviest hitter of the three starter weapons, the Hunter Axe, can take the player from the start of the game to the end with no problem. The weapon has B scaling in strength when upgraded fully. However, it is one of the most effective and useful weapons in the game from the start. Its move set is simple to grasp, with the only drawback being its attacks are slower than the other starter weapons. With the lowest scaling on the list, it may come as a surprise for it to be considered one of the best, but the fact that it is both strong and can handle hoards of enemies with ease from the start makes this weapon essential for newer players.

Bloodborne is available on PS4 and PS5 via backward compatibility.

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