Monday, 19 July 2021 04:15

Mass Effect Fan Shows Off Custom N7 Xbox Series X Console

Written by Daniel DeAngelo
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A Reddit user shares a custom skin for his Xbox Series X console inspired by Commander Shepard's iconic N7 armor in BioWare's Mass Effect trilogy.

Console makers often partner with game publishers and developers to produce limited-edition-themed consoles. However, many fans take matters into their own hands, creating unique custom consoles inspired by their favorite games. One Mass Effect fan on Reddit recently did just that.

Redditt user charlestonlongfellow posted a picture of his custom Mass Effect-inspired console on Sunday night. The Red and Black Xbox Series X is a bit more subdued than some examples of customized hardware. Still, the custom “N7 Series X” will be easily recognizable for diehard Mass Effect fans.

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Poster charlestonlongfellow customized the console with the aid of the website dbrand, which sells customization options for consoles, PC’s, and various other electronics. The red and black exterior has the same hardened fiber texture found on Commander Shepard’s armor in Mass Effect 2. The colors also pay homage to the Commander’s signature look. Specifically, the red-on-black squad leader stripe on Shepard’s right arm.

Responses were overwhelmingly positive on the Mass Effect subreddit. Multiple people commented about wishing it was for sale or saying it inspired them to work on their own customization project. One person specifically mentioned wanting to make a white and yellow version inspired by the trilogy’s Cerberus faction. Mass Effect 2’s infamous “Shepard is a sellout” meme popped up in the comments as well. As one commenter put it, “This is John Shepard, and this is my favorite Xbox on the Citadel.”

Checking out, it appears that charlestonlongfellow utilized the company’s Black Carbon and Red Carbon Series X skins. The company also offers a range of similar skin options for the Xbox Series S, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, and Play Station 4. Unfortunately, PS5 users are out of luck unless they like white, black, and yellow.

BioWare released the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition in May for last gen-consoles. However, it is playable on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S through backward compatibility. Unfortunately, EA and BioWare haven’t announced any plans for a dedicated next-gen release. Still, that doesn’t mean there are no benefits to playing Mass Effect on the Series X. Namely, Legendary Edition runs at an impressive 120 FPS. That’s twice the frame rate of the PS5 and four times the PS4, Xbox One, or Series S.

It’s also probable that the upcoming Mass Effect 4, assuming that’s the actual name, will be next-gen exclusive. That would certainly be an excellent use for charlestonlongfellow’s custom console. However, the next Mass Effect is likely still years away, as BioWare primarily focuses on the highly anticipated sequel to Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One and backward compatible on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Mass Effect: The War Between the Quarians and Geth Explained

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