Monday, 01 February 2021 21:15

Call Of Duty Warzone: Best Loadouts To Trick Opponents And How To Use Them

Written by Payton Lott
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Making it through a match of Warzone can mean pulling out some tricks to get past your enemies. Here's a look at some loadouts that will help you.

Warzone is a highly competitive game, and players can get burned out playing battle royale. Players should try to have fun playing the game again, and there are several classes that can be used to trick opponents in Verdansk.

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From the turtle class to the RPG meta, there are a number of ways to mix up gameplay and frustrate opponents. The competitive nature of battle royale has forced many players to use only the meta weapons and attachments. Players should take a break from the sweaty tactics and give the following loadouts a try.

  • Barrel: Sawed-off barrel
  • Laser: Tac Laser
  • Optic: G.I. Mini Reflex
  • Ammunition: Slug Rounds
  • Guard: Tempus SlimGrip

The 725 with slug rounds is actually a decent weapon to use in Warzone, if players hit their shots. The downside to using the weapon is that if players miss just one bullet, death is imminent. The weapon is a one or two shot kill depending on it players are hitting head or body shots. The gun can be used as a primary or secondary, and players will be surprised how effective the gun can be. Players should focus on headshots to try and down enemies with one slug.

The riot shield players are infamous in Warzone, and many players despise their existence in the game. However, players should not knock the strategy unless they have tried it. Using a riot shield can be hilarious, and players win games all the time using it. The key to using the riot shield effectively is tactical equipment and restock. Players can use stuns, flashes, and smoke grenades to push enemy players. The turtle class has many forms, but players should try to use a melee weapon for more of a challenge. Warzone players will enjoy the proximity chat feature after killing an opponent with this setup.

  • Cable: 28-Strand Cable
  • Arms: XRK Thunder 200Lb
  • Optic: VLK 3.0x
  • Stock: FORGE TAC Apex
  • Perk: Slight of Hand

Nothing is more humiliating than losing a gunfight to a crossbow player, and nothing is more satisfying than hitting a headshot with the gun. Players do not have to go all out and use the gun as their primary, and players that have yet to use it should give it a try. For the best setup, players should pair the crossbow with a short to medium range weapon. The crossbow is extremely powerful, but extremely difficult to use. Enemy players will have no idea what hit them, and the lack of sniper glint will give them false hope. Bullet velocity is the main drawback of the crossbow, and players need to aim above the head of an enemy at longer ranges.

  • Barrel: FSS Brute
  • Laser: Tac Laser
  • Underbarrel: Commando Foregrip
  • Rear Grip: Rubberized Grip Tape
  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor

Everything about the MG34 is absurd. The gun has an extremely fast fire rate, high recoil, and low mobility. Players will be surprised by how good the gun actually is, if they can control the behemoth's kick.  Few players use the gun in Warzone, but it is actually viable if used correctly. Players must pair the gun with a mobile secondary weapon and use the MG in close to medium range gunfights. Enemies will see the MG34 and wonder how the forgotten gun killed them so quickly.

In the early days of Warzone, RPGs were everywhere. A slight nerf to the explosive damage for players with E.O.D. after a silent buff deterred many professionals and streamers from using the class. Warzone players hate when an opposing team has an RPG spammer, but the gun is too much fun to not try. Players that have restock equipped can use munitions boxes to get more rockets. Amped will increase weapon swap speed as well as launcher reload time. This class will take out enemy vehicles and force opponents out of hallways and stairwells. Players should shoot the ground below a vehicle and sometimes enemy trophy systems will not work.

NEXT: Warzone: 10 Underrated Season 1 Loadouts That Are Actually Good

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