Monday, 01 February 2021 21:12

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Glitch Keeps Players from Getting Their Care Packages

Written by Richard Warren
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A devastating new Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War glitch sees several players losing access to their care packages after calling them in.

Though Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has steadily improved through patches and content drops, there are still a few bugs plaguing the game. The latest Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War glitch discovered is tied to care packages, and it sees the scorestreak failing at its main purpose.

This is not the first glitch tied to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s care package scorestreak, as a previous bug saw players discovering that the Sniper's Nest scorestreak from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 may be coming to the game. However, a random texture bug is far less bothersome than a glitch stopping players from opening their hard-earned care packages. Unfortunately, though, that is exactly what has been happening to some players.

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While care packages have been seen dropping out of the map or getting stuck on rooftops throughout the entire Call of Duty series, those kinds of occurrences are usually the fault of the players throwing the care packages. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, on the other hand, seems to be randomly refusing access to care packages for unlucky players. Redditor liokazar documents this issue on video, as his care package simply refuses to drop onto the ground when it is called in, but it's far from the only reported incident. Modern games tend to have bugs, as players can accept so much given the complicated nature of game development, but it's possible that this particular bug goes slightly too far.

Taking place on the Moscow multiplayer map, the clip depicts liokazar throwing down his care package and waiting for it to arrive. As is the case with working care packages, a helicopter quickly arrives to drop off the goods — though it leaves just as quickly. No care package is seen on the ground, and the Redditor concludes the confusing clip by saying “um... hello?” Commenters seem to believe that the care package simply got stuck on the rooftop above, though with the smoke dropped far from the building, this should not have happened. This could be a possibility, but it's also simply possible that it did not drop.

Though liokazar dies at the end of the clip, indicating his care package would have been stolen had it landed, it likely would have been less annoying than the care package disappearing altogether. Many would agree there's a difference in getting a care package and losing it than not getting one at all. With other Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War glitches seen with the VTOL scorestreak and the Advanced UAV stand-in known as the H.A.R.P. but both eventually being fixed, hopefully this disappearing care package issue is solved by Treyarch as well. The company is likely hard at work cleaning up several bugs, but this is one of those things where it's not as simple as pressing a button. Patience, even with games are notoriously buggy as Warzone, is a virtue.

While many are enjoying Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, there is no denying that the game has had a rough launch. With Call of Duty fans calling for an end to the yearly release cycle that the series has stuck with for over a decade, the prevalence of bugs like this has clearly disappointed some longtime fans of the series.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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