Monday, 19 July 2021 16:05

10 Pro Tips For The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD You Need To Know

Written by Jack Pursey
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Whether experiencing Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the first time or rediscovering it through the remaster, these tips will guide you through.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD recently released on the 16th of July, and offers players a remastered iteration of Link's 2011 Wii adventure. The game is one of the series' most divisive entries, with the motion controls, environmental puzzles, and overworld design dividing players.

RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD – The Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

For many people, this remaster will be their first taste of Skyward Sword. The original game's need for MotionPlus put some people off, and the critically acclaimed Breath of the Wild has provided the series with a whole new audience. For those on their first playthrough, there are a few handy tips and hidden mechanics in Skyward Sword HD that are certainly worth knowing.

10  Sitting Down Restores Hearts

One thing about Skyward Sword HD that may surprise experienced Legend of Zelda players is how scarce hearts and fairies are. This isn't because Nintendo were feeling cruel when developing the game; it's because there's another way to quickly heal.

By taking a load off and sitting on a stool or chair, Link's hearts will soon begin to refill. Sleeping in beds also restores hearts, which perhaps explains why Link is fast asleep at the start of most Legend of Zelda games.

9 Slash Trees With Orange Marks

Another mechanic that isn't overtly revealed refers to trees with orange marks. These trees are all over wooded areas, and provide players with rupees when Link hits the orange mark. This is sometimes easier said than done.

The orange area is often located above Link's reach, so players need to put their sword skills to the test and slice down the tree while keeping it balanced. If the player doesn't manage to keep the tree balanced before hitting the orange area, then the tree will fall to the ground and disappear. This means the rupees are lost.

8 Roll Through Webs

Cobwebs are one of the most frustrating environmental hazards in Skyward Sword HD. They don't drain the player's hearts, but they do significantly slow them down as they try to cut through the webs or get caught in one and are forced to wiggle free.

RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD - How to Farm Rupees

Thankfully, there is a way to speed up the process. With a well-timed roll, players will break through the web in one smooth movement. This is especially handy when an enemy is chasing Link, as otherwise, the enemy would have had free shots at the player as they try to break free.

7 Shoot Beamos In The Eye

Beamos are a recurring enemy in the Legend of Zelda series. They've appeared in numerous games over the decades, including A Link to the PastOcarina of Time, and the recent Breath of the Wild.

The enemies are tough to kill, as they tend to shoot a laser out of their mechanical eye, which often causes a ton of damage. However, Skyward Sword HD lets the player turn the tables, as once the bow has been unlocked, Link can shoot them in the eye for an instant kill.

6 Look For Glittering Spores

Yet another mechanic that may not be immediately clear to the player are Glittering Spores, an improved version of Mushroom Spores which are used to heal Orielle's Loftwing. Link can obtain Glittering Spores by hitting a glittering mushroom and scoping up the remnants with a bottle.

The substance has the following uses:

  • Stuns enemies and Remlits
  • Attracts bugs
  • Turns hearts into fairies
  • Shrinks Gossip Stones
  • Turns rupees into rupoors

5 Revisit Areas When Unlocking New Items

Before Breath of the WildThe Legend of Zelda games would often follow the same formula when it comes to unlocking items. Players will unlock an item at a pre-determined moment in the game, which will allow them to access a previously unavailable area, usually in a dungeon. The item will then often be used to defeat the dungeon's boss.

Experienced Zelda players will know this pattern like the back of their hand; however, many people forget to backtrack once they unlock a new item. When traveling back to a previous location with a new item, players will be able to reach numerous previously inaccessible areas and items, particularly heart pieces.

4 Talk To Sparrot Before Entering A New Area

Sparrot is a fortune teller in Skyward Sword HD that resides in the Skyloft Bazaar. The teller clearly isn't a scam artist, as he will predict the future with perfect accuracy, providing players with useful hints, tips, and guidance.

RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD: How To Get All 80 Gratitude Crystals

Consequently, players should take the time to speak to the teller every time they're about to descend into a new area. He will provide vital information, such as what gear is best suited for the task ahead.

3 Be Patient With Combat

The combat in Skyward Sword is one of the features that split opinions on the game. Some love the motion-controlled sword and find it immersive, while others believe that it's fiddly and makes combat tough. For those that are struggling, it may be because they're taking too many swings.

Although it's tempting to start swinging the remote (or analog stick, for Switch Lite users) around in hopes of landing deadly combinations, it's not what the game intends. Instead, Skyward Sword HD rewards players who are methodical and accurate with swings, patiently waiting for the right opportunity to arise before landing a counter-attack. Most enemies will provide a counter-attacking opportunity, so it's worth waiting for the right moment.

2 Always Look For Goddess Walls

Goddess Walls are one of the most useful mechanics in Skyward Sword HD. The scared murals are dotted all over the game and offer players a wide range of items for the grand price of free. Unfortunately, using a Goddess Wall is easier said than done, as they're initially invisible.

To reveal a Goddess Wall, play the harp at a wall that has Blessed Butterflies hovering next to it. Then, hit the area with a Skyward Strike, which will give players the chance to start drawing.

Here is a list of available drawings and their corresponding items:

  • Heart: provides 10 hearts
  • Circle: provides 10 bombs
  • Arrow: provides 15 arrows
  • Triforce: provides 3 fairies
  • Hexagon: provides 10 rupees
  • Hourglass: provides 10 hearts
  • Any other shape: provides 3 hearts

1 Get A Free Shield And Bottle At The Start Of The Game

Goddess Walls aren't the only freebies available to players in Skyward Sword HD. Link can also nab a free shield and bottle within the opening hours.

For the shield, many players will make the mistake of purchasing the one from the Bazaar. Instead, players should speak to Owlan after being told to obtain a shield. He will very kindly give him one for free.

As for the bottle, go speak to Luv in the Bazaar. She will simply hand one to Link, letting him purchase some of her potions.

NEXT: Everything That’s Different About The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

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