Tuesday, 20 July 2021 03:36

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD: How To Complete The Haunted Restroom Side Quest

Written by Tom Bowen
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The Haunted Restroom is one of the strangest side quests in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD and potentially sees Link playing cupid for a ghost.

The Haunted Restroom is one of the strangest side quests in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, with players having to decide whether to give a heartfelt love letter to its rightful recipient or hand it over to a restroom-dwelling ghost to use as toilet paper. It doesn't become available until Link has defeated The Imprisoned for the first time though, so players will have to wait quite a while before they can experience it for themselves.

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Like most of the other side quests in the game, Link will receive five Gratitude Crystals for completing it, although who he actually gets the crystals from will depend entirely on the player's actions. In this sense, it's a little similar to the Item Check Crush side quest, but things are far less black and white when it comes to what the "right" choice really is this time around.

Players will be able to initiate the Haunted Restroom side quest at any point after they've beaten The Imprisoned for the first time. They'll know when it's available as Dovos, who can be found in Skyloft's Bazaar, will have an orange speech bubble above his head. If players talk to him, he'll mention that he's heard a rumor about a woman sobbing every night in one of the Knight Academy's dormitory, so players should head there next.

Upon their arrival at the Knight Academy, they'll need to head over to the kitchen and speak with the old lady, Henya. She'll mention that she's been hearing a voice coming from the restroom over the past few nights. With that taken care of, players should hop into one of the many beds that are scattered around the academy and then sleep until nighttime to investigate the source of this strange voice.

The restroom in question is right by the kitchen, but the door is locked at this time. Link can have a conversation with the person inside through the door though, and they'll ask him to bring them some paper. They don't specify what type of paper they need, but it's heavily implied, of course. There's nothing more to be done at this time, so players should go back to bed and sleep until the morning.

In the morning, players should return to the area around the restroom, where they'll now find Groose's annoying friend Cawlin. If Link speaks with him, Cawlin will ask the young adventurer to deliver a love letter to Karane. It turns out he's also heard about the person in the restroom asking for paper though, and when he sees Link glancing at the restroom door, will warn the hero not to give them his letter. Regardless, the player now has a difficult choice: TP or not TP? That is the question.

Given that Cawlin mentions that he's poured his heart and soul into the letter, delivering it to Karane may seem like the right thing to do to some. Players can find her hanging out in the Knight Academy's classroom on the ground floor, but it soon becomes clear that she's a lot more interested in Pipit than she is in Cawlin. Despite this though, after reading the letter, she at least seems to be considering going out with the latter.

Once players have finished speaking with Karane, they'll need to go and find Pipit and let him know what's going on. He'll be hanging around in the corridor upstairs, and, though he tries to play it cool, he's clearly not too happy about the prospect of Karane dating Cawlin and will ask Link to go and find out whether she's made a decision yet. With the conversation now over, Link can return to the classroom to find out how this bizarre love triangle situation plays out.

Pipit shows up and professes his love to Karane and she, perhaps unsurprisingly, ends up choosing him over Cawlin. The heartbroken teenager will then burst into tears and run away and Pipit will give Link five Gratitude Crystals for helping him to realize how he truly felt about Karane. Some will see this as the best outcome, particularly as Cawlin is a bit of a jerk, but Pipit isn't much better either; as evidenced by him shouting at his mother after the Cleaning Pipit's House side quest.

Should players decide to help out the person in the restroom, they'll need to sleep until nighttime again and then return to the spooky figure. After telling them that he's brought paper, Link will be allowed inside the restroom, where they'll find a ghostly blue hand named Phoeni sticking out of the toilet. Phoeni will notice that the paper is a letter and ask Link if he's sure they can use it, which seems to serve as the game's way of reminding players how heartless they're being.

With the ghost now satisfied, players will need to sleep until morning and then go and find Cawlin hanging around in the same spot where he first gave Link the letter. He'll ask Link if he's delivered the letter yet, and then, upon finding out that it was given to the person in the bathroom, will run away crying. Strangely enough though, this series of events does conclude with a somewhat happy ending, albeit a fairly creepy one.

To finish the side quest, players will need to sleep until night one last time and then head to Groose's room. There, they'll find Cawlin sleeping as the ghostly blue hand gently caresses his hair. It turns out Phoeni read the letter and is now madly in love with Cawlin. The ghost is so besotted, in fact, that she'll give Link five Gratitude Crystals as a way of saying thanks.

NEXT: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Complete Guide For Dungeons, Items & Collectibles

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