Tuesday, 20 July 2021 14:00

The Classic Loki Variant Redefined Glorious Purpose In The MCU

Written by Julie Weyant
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After making the ultimate sacrifice to help Loki and Sylvie defeat Alioth, Classic Loki redefines what "glorious purpose" means in the MCU.

Long before the release of Loki on Disney Plus, fans have been familiar with the God of Mischief's popular quote, “I am burdened with glorious purpose.” This line has come up quite a few times in the MCU, but only recently has it gained any actual meaning. The first episode of Loki was cleverly named “Glorious Purpose” and Marvel has finally revealed what a Loki’s real place in the universe is all about.

According to Mobius, the TVA and the Time Keepers created Loki variants so that they could breed chaos and misery wherever they went. Although many Lokis feel like their glorious purpose is to rule, the timeline has sentenced them to a life of failure, without ever obtaining power or control over others. For a long time, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki wanted nothing more than to be king of Asgard or Earth and he would go to great lengths to achieve his desired goal. Loki never succeeded in doing so, but it wasn’t because of what the TVA forced him to be. After the events of episode 5 of Loki, it became much more obvious what “glorious purpose” should mean for Lokis everywhere.

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The Classic Loki variant didn’t get too much screen time before he was wiped from existence, but he made a huge impact on the Marvel franchise in just a short period of time. When using his magic to construct a false version of Asgard to distract the monster Alioth, Classic Loki showed Sylvie and Hiddleson’s Loki that they’re far more powerful than they realize. When Classic Loki stared death in the face, he merely laughed and said “glorious purpose,” trading his life to save others.

Classic Loki proved that a Loki variant’s true “glorious purpose” doesn’t have to be living as a harbinger for pain and suffering. He redefined the phrase by going out in a grand display of heroism and making the ultimate sacrifice, which is the most selfless thing he could have done. Classic Loki was never the real villain, and his only crime against the TVA was missing his brother. He was pruned and sent to the void for leaving his planet of isolation to see his estranged family and he should never have been punished for wanting to reunite with his brother after centuries alone.

This proves that Loki variants aren’t all bad, and in most cases, it’s the TVA who takes on the role of the villain. So far, fans have seen the TVA kidnap children, silence their own agents after discovering the truth, and prune someone for wanting to see his family. The TVA forces Loki variants to believe they’re inherently evil, but when Classic Loki gave his life so that Loki and Sylvie could complete their mission, he showed that “glorious purpose” means being a hero and doing the right thing, no matter what Loki variants are presumed to become.

Before his final moments, Classic Loki felt like he and all other Loki variants were exactly who the TVA says they are - evil, mischievous, and a danger to humanity. He initially refused to help take down Alioth because he thought it was a fruitless mission that would only end in failure, something the Loki variants are extremely accustomed to. It’s hard to say what made him change his mind, although it’s arguably Hiddleston’s Loki and Sylvie that pushed him to take the plunge by showing him that not all Loki variants are doomed to be alone.

Even Mobius came to realize that not all Lokis are bad, telling Hiddleston’s Loki that he’s capable of being whoever he wants, including someone good, and the universe has no say in the outcome. This was a major turning point for Lokis everywhere, especially Hiddleston’s Loki, because Mobius was the one who told him that Loki variants are only good for creating chaos.

Every Loki variant thus far has proven to be unique in their own ways, but Classic Loki shines above them all when he uses his magic to fight Alioth. In just one short scene, he changed the meaning of “glorious purpose” forever, and died knowing that he and all other Lokis are capable of greatness.  Defying destiny is no easy task, but Classic Loki proved that it’s possible to be a hero under the right circumstances. He redefined “glorious purpose” with just a single act of bravery, and his sacrifice was the reason that Sylvie and Hiddleston’s Loki managed to enchant the beast and move forward with their mission.

After setting such a strong example of the powers Lokis possess, it’s hard to imagine that Sylvie and Loki will fail on their journey to take down the TVA. Now that they know they’re more than just pawns in a vicious game, the future of Loki variants is much brighter, all thanks to Classic Loki and his nobility.

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