Tuesday, 20 July 2021 17:15

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance - Wulfgar's 10 Best Feats, Ranked

Written by Cameron Cook
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Wulfgar is already a force to be reckoned with in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance, but these feats make him even stronger.

Wizards of the Coast's new hack and slash dungeon crawler Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance gives players a chance to take control of the main characters from R. A. Salvatore's famous book series. Players adventure through the Forgotten Realms, following the adventures of the infamous drow Drizzt Do'urden and his friends.

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One of these characters is the Reghed barbarian Wulfgar, a champion of Tempus wielding the mighty Warhammer Aegis Fang. Wulfgar is a ruthless fighter, responsible for the demise of the Dragon Icingdeath during the events of the books. In this game, Wulfgar is one of the melee DPS champions with an array of crowd control capabilities at his disposal. He's already a valuable member of the team, but these feats make him even more powerful.

10 Endurance

  • Feat Tree: Pack Hunter
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 10% Max Stamina Bonus.

As a melee character with a plethora of moves to aid him in combat, Wulfgar needs a great deal of stamina to execute these attacks. Not only this, but Wulfgar may also need reserve stamina to dodge or evade area attacks. This means that the extra stamina from this feat comes in handy for him.

Fans playing Wulfgar should keep an eye on his stamina as he will need to tank more blows than his weaker DPS allies like Drizzt. Wulfgar can't afford to use all of his stamina and become vulnerable while he still needs to parry attacks and dodge blows.

9 Keen Mind

  • Feat Tree: Pack Hunter
  • Minimum Level: 10
  • Description: 15% Cooldown Reduction

Wulfgar's abilities can provide a great deal of crowd control such as knocking enemies down or can give him and his allies a damage buff. Such abilities can prove highly useful in any combat situation, and this feat's reduced cooldown means that players can use them more often.

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His shockwave attack knocks down and slows enemies, which makes it great in any situation where the party may be overrun and struggling. With the shorter cooldown this feat provides, players can provide much more effective defenses for the party.

8 Great Weapon Master

  • Feat Tree: The Wolf
  • Minimum Level: 1
  • Description: 5% Physical Damage Bonus.

Despite the fact that every character gets a 5% damage bonus increase feat, this still proves to be one of the best feats due to the benefits of the increased damage. Especially because Wulfgar is intended to be a DPS-type character, he can benefit greatly from any physical damage bonuses he can get.

Combining this feat with some of Wulfgar's other damage-increasing feats and armor sets such as his Tempus Champion set can result in him having a huge damage bonus during combat.

7 Danger Sense

  • Feat Tree: The Elk
  • Minimum Level: 10
  • Description: 10% Armor Bonus

Wulfgar is a more tanky champion compared to his fellow DPS allies, Drizzt and Catti-Brie. Because of this, he will be subjected to more attack than them, and it will not be possible to parry them all. As such, it will be important to raise Wulfgar's defensive stats like his resistances and his armor.

The 10% armor bonus from Danger Sense can stack with Wulfgar's Medium Armor Master feat to give a total of 20% armor bonus. This is more than other champions can get, making Wulfgar slightly more hardy.

6 Hardy

  • Feat Tree: The Elk
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 15% Max HP Bonus

As a barbarian, it's really no surprise that Wulfgar is more of a tank than the other DPS players, as mentioned above. Wulfgar has feats which can buff his resistances and his health by considerable amounts, compared to other DPS champions like Catti-Brie, with more damage-based feats.

In total, Wulfgar can use feats — including Hardy — to increase his Max HP by 25% overall. Even this feat alone provides an extra 15%, allowing Wulfgar to last longer in fights and keep dishing out crushing blows.

5 Reckless Abandon

  • Feat Tree: The Wolf
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: 25% Physical Damage Bonus during Ultimate

Wulfgar's ultimate allows him to perform a larger spin attack to hit all enemies in an area around him. This attack can deal with hordes of smaller enemies that can easily swarm the party. It's devastating on its own, but even more so with this feat.

Giving 25% more physical damage to any character is an extreme buff, which is why this feat's bonus is only applied during Wulfgar's ultimate. To maximize the benefits of this feat, players can take a Potion of Heroism consumable to try and get as many uses out of his ultimate as possible.

4 Charger

  • Feat Tree: The Wolf
  • Minimum Level: 1
  • Description: 10% Physical Damage Bonus for 3 seconds after Sprinting.

Three seconds may not seem like a lot of time during a combat scenario but the opening moments can prove to be crucial. Champions with large AoE attacks can deal huge damage to a wide range of enemies at the start of a battle, making a fight significantly easier. With Charger, Wulfgar can do just that.

This feat allows Wulfgar to wreak havoc in the opening seconds of a fight, especially if he opens with one of his abilities or his ultimate. This can allow Wulfgar to take down many small enemies, allowing his allies to save stamina, which can be useful in co-op.

3 Brutal Strike

  • Feat Tree: The Wolf
  • Minimum Level: 5
  • Description: +15% Armor Penetration

Wulfgar is one of the game's best characters when it comes to dealing with enemies with guard, so it stands to reason he gets armor penetration. This allows him to easily deal with heavily armored enemies, without aid from his allies.

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This can help a party of four to deal with large groups of enemies. Wulfgar can take on the heavily armored foes, leaving the remaining team members to take on the weaker enemies such as goblins.

2 Blessings of Tempu

  • Feat Tree: The Elk
  • Minimum Level: 10
  • Description: Converts 150% of Strength into Elemental Resistance

As the main melee DPS champion of the game, Wulfgar's main stat is Strength. As such, allowing him to convert his strength into elemental resistance gives him a huge defensive bonus.

This feat doesn't necessarily make Wulfgar a tank, but it does give him a buff against any elemental damage. True tanking may be best left to tank-like abilities and feats, like Bruenor; however, gaining extra damage resistance is never a bad idea for Wulfgar.

1 Fury Of Tempus

  • Feat Tree: The Wolf
  • Minimum Level: 10
  • Description: 3% Lifesteal on all damage inflicted

By far Wulfgar's strongest feat, Fury of Tempus gives Wulfgar access to lifesteal. Wulfgar can put out tons of damage through his attacks, moves, and abilities. He can be built to have a great deal of health, and with this feat, he can quickly regenerate his health by attacking enemies.

Giving Wulfgar any amount of lifesteal helps him stay in combat considerably longer, and tank much more damage. This feat is essential for any Wulfgar solo build, despite him being one of the worst solo champions.

NEXT: Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

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