Tuesday, 20 July 2021 16:54

New World: How to Get Iron Ore and Iron Ore Veins | Game Rant

Written by Mina Smith
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Iron ore and iron ingots are needed in New World in order to make tools, ammo, weapons, armor, and more, so players will want to get it early.

In New World, players will need to invest some time early on getting iron ore. In this in-development MMORPG, iron is used to create early-game weapons, ammo, and other necessary items.

In order to even start mining iron ore in the action-packed MMORPG New World, players will need to first start by crafting a pickaxe to harvest it. The basic, level 1 pickaxe is called a Flint Pick and can be made with one flint and one wood. Players will need to have one along when they head out into the wild to mine iron for themselves. Players will also need access to a smelting station. This will allow players to turn three iron ore into the much more useful iron ingot.

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In between the PvP and rewarding combat in New World, players can look for iron ore in the Highlands area. The higher the elevation, the better chance that a player will be able to find iron ore, so they should look for hills. Iron ore nodes look a lot like gray-brown rocks sticking out of the ground, so they should be fairly easy to spot.

New World players just need to interact with the ore by pressing E with the pickaxe equipped. Keep in mind that players will need 3 ore just to make one ingot, so they will need to collect three times the number they of ingots they need to have enough iron.

In order to smelt iron ore into ingots, players need to find a settlement and head to their smelting station. The Tier level of a smelting station can be raised by completing quests in the town called Town Projects. Once players level the smelting station to Tier 2, they should be able to smelt iron ore. Higher Tiers of smelting stations will be needed in order to smelt more precious materials into ingots for use.

  • Tier 2 Smelting Station - Iron, Steel, Silver, and Gold ingots, also Charcoal
  • Tier 3 Smelting Station - Starmetal and Platinum ingots
  • Tier 4 Smelting Station - Orichalcum ingots

As players continue to level smelting stations and gain New World XP through microtransactions or leveling, they will be able to get more ingots from the same number of ore. This will make building furniture, crafting better armor, making ammo, and making better weapons and tools even easier for New World players.

New World is currently in a Closed Beta and will be released August 31 for PC.

MORE: Amazon Abandoning Crucible Bodes Ill for New World

Source: Gosunoob, Wiki

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