An update for the Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 Reloaded patch has been released, changing several aspects of the game. The main goal of the update is to fix several minor bugs scattered throughout the game that appeared in the mid-season patch. Call of Duty: Warzone now has some features disabled and other features fixed for players to enjoy in their battle royale experience.
Several minor weapon fixes were included in the patch, along with bug fixes for Blueprints, a Dead Silence glitch, and the Sentry Turrent Killstreak icon. While this is not a huge fix, the removal of a report feature has caught community attention. For the moment, players will no longer be able to report chat as the Report Offensive Chat button has been removed from the game.
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The removal of the Report Offensive Chat button opens the door for players to abuse the system. For the moment, the developers have stated that the team is investigating a link between the feature and an in-game crash issue. However, some players have questioned the link between these cases, making the removal of the feature confusing for several community members. Call of Duty: Warzone's report features are one of the few deterrents fans have for rude and aggressive behavior in voice chats. With many fans concerned over Call of Duty's reputation for toxicity, there is some concern that the removal of this feature for even a short amount of time could result in online harassment.
In addition to the removal of the Report Offensive Chat feature, players saw a fix for the C58 Royal & Kross 4x Optic. The optic was incorrectly affecting recoil resulting in unneeded adjustments to weapon stats. Call of Duty: Warzone attachments have undergone several adjustments since the beginning of the season as the developers tweak them to match their design and descriptions.
The glitch for infinite Dead Silence has also been removed, along with an issue that caused the Sentry Turret Killstreak map icon to not move when placed on the train. Flavor text for varying Blueprints has been adjusted along with a scattered spread of other minor fixes for Call of Duty: Warzone.
While the removal of the Report Offensive Chat feature is only a short-term concern, it has raised several questions among the game's community. Call of Duty: Warzone fans may want to prepare for a minor increase in toxicity as players realize there is no penalty for aggressive and offensive behavior.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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