After solving the mystery of the well in Konda village, the next sidequest Genshin Impact players will unlock is "Sacrificial Offering". In the quest, Genshin Impact players are tasked with breaking a second barrier in order to cleanse the roots of the Thunder Sakura tree.
To start the quest, players must head to the abandoned shrine northeast of Konda Village. While there is no marker to identify its location at first, the shrine can be found by following the path that leads northeast up Mt. Yougou.
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After finding the location of the shrine, Genshin Impact players must interact with the large fox statue. Engraved on the statue is a hint that tells the traveler to find the three guardians in the area.

The three guardians are the ghostly apparitions that players may have encountered on the way up to the shrine. Each of the ghosts can be found along the main path leading up to the large shrine.

Once players have interacted with all three, head back to the large fox statue and interact with the ghost in front of it. Players should now notice two of the apparitions appear next to the fox statues nearby.

From the fox statue, head back to the main shrine building and interact with the apparition on the roof. This will cause the ghost to teleport one final time behind the tree near the large fox statue.

After interacting with the apparition for a final time, three exquisite chests will spawn next to the smaller fox statues. Players must then interact with the glowing book in the center of the three smaller fox statues.

With no clear way of proceeding further, the Traveller must then go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and speak with Inagi Hitomi in order to obtain the Memento Lens. The Memento Lens is a gadget that must be manually equipped in the player's inventory and operates in a similar way to the Kurious Kamera from the Five Flushes of Fortune event.

Players must then head back to the fox shrine location and use it on the various smaller fox statues scattered throughout the area. There are a total of seven fox statues that players must scan, and they can be identified by using elemental vision which will cause them to glow white.

Once players have scanned all seven fox statues, head to the large fox statue and interact with it. Players must then select the following dialogue prompts in order; "In the name of Narukami's envoy", "And of the Hakushin bloodline", "Bring forth the fried tofu!"

Obtain the ward from the statue, and head down towards the small body of water located nearby. At the small pond, players will find a gate that they are able to unlock with the Rust Worn key that was obtained in the previous quest.

Once inside the cave, players will find another Tori Gate puzzle that they must solve. To solve the puzzle, set the first shrine in the first position, the middle shrine in the second position, and the three shrines at the top in the third position.

After each of the shrines have been set in the correct position, pray at the first shrine. This will cause a final miniboss to spawn, and when he is defeated this will conclude the second part of the questline and reward players with 40 primogems.
Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version in development.
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