Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade's Yuffie DLC story expansion, INTERmission, comes with a new minigame called Fort Condor. This small diversion during the first chapter is based on the tower defense minigame from the original PS1 game, though the stakes are not nearly as dire here.
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Players have to think tactfully and pick their troops for the battle in order to win all the matches against the residents of Sector 7. Follow these tips and the opponents will fall like dominoes. Fort Condor is a solid minigame in INTERmission and most people wish there were more opportunities to play.
Updated On July 25th, By Jason Wojnar: As more people get their hands on PS5s, more Final Fantasy fans are finally playing the DLC expansion for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Not only is it great to experience Yuffie's story, but it also means diving into the fun Fort Condor minigame. Hopefully, these tips will help those who just jumped into INTERmission. These should help from early bouts all the way to more challenging fights with the likes of Wedge or Chadley.
10 Buy Units With Coins

After every victory, Yuffie earns coins she can use to buy additional units and boards from the merchant advertising the Happy Turtle. Each unit or board generally costs about three coins or so, meaning she can buy at least one new thing with each victory. A new unit might just be what Yuffie needs to beat the next opponent. Do not waste coins on any of the items for sale, because the coins are finite in any single playthrough and the other items can be purchased with Gil from other merchants.
9 Remember Which Units Are Strong Against Which

The most important thing to remember when playing Fort Condor is which units are strong against which:
- Vanguard units (the red sword icons) are strong against ranged units (the green bow)
- Ranged united strong against the defense units (the blue shield)
- Defense units are strong against vanguard units.
Remembering this is imperative to taking out soldiers quickly. Pitting like classes against each other is also no good since it might take too long for the battle to happen, during which time the enemy will spawn more troops.
8 Be Aggressive

Even though Fort Condor is a strategy game, it encourages more aggressive tactics. If the opponent breaches onto Yuffie's side of the board, of course, she should spawn some enemies nearby to take them out. However, in all other instances, keep pushing forward and do not think proactively about enemy defenses.
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Additionally, the outposts have their own attacks and defenses, so they should take out most weak enemies by themselves. In later bouts on Hard Mode, the battle is generally already lost if the opponent gets too close to outposts. Aggression is also encouraged more on hard mode because Yuffie only wins if she destroys the enemy headquarters before the time runs out.
7 Prioritize Smaller Units

It is natural to think the bigger and stronger units are better and more useful in a battle. However, in later matches, the larger units take too many ATB points to spawn. Instead, the player should prioritize smaller troops.
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As long as one pays attention to the enemy troops and spawns units according to their strengths and weaknesses, one or two smaller units can take out a bigger enemy unit quickly. Certain opponents will also deploy a similar strategy, in which case large units will not suffice.
This strategy works especially well against Chadley, the last match. He deploys units quickly and has barracks that generate soldiers fast, so small units that counter them well is the key to victory against him.
6 Don't Lose Ground

Similar to the last two entries, it is imperative to not lose ground. Even if it seems like the wrong thing to do, one is generally better served making sure they have at least one unit deep inside the enemy's side of the board so they can spawn enemies everywhere on the playing field. At the beginning of a match, the player can only spawn units on their side of the board, and can only start spawning soldiers once a unit advances onto the enemy's half.
5 When Sudden Death Comes, Go For Broke

Every match has a timer. If the conditions for victory are not met by the time it runs out, sudden death occurs. On Normal Mode, if the timer runs out Yuffie wins as long as her base has more health.
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On Hard Mode, she fails if the enemy's headquarters remains standing. With this in mind, go for broke once sudden death comes. Even if the enemy is on Yuffie's side of the board do not worry about it. As long as the player destroys the headquarters first, she will win.
4 In Hard Mode, Challenge The Opponents In The Same Order

On Normal Mode, Yuffie has to rise through the ranks before taking on Chadley. On Hard Mode she can take the opponents on in any order she chooses. However, it is recommended to go through the same order as before, since the difficulty ascension is mostly the same. This helps acclimate the player to the new difficulty and also gives them the opportunity to earn more coins for better units and boards for the harder fights.
3 Deploy Units Often And Quickly

The old adage "strength in numbers" rings true when playing Fort Condor. It is more beneficial to have 5 weaker units on the board attacking than just one powerful unit.
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The same goes true even at the end of a round when the troops are attacking the headquarters. With this in mind, it is also important to prioritize using boards with higher ATB speeds. Even though some of the boards offer few ATB bars, having a large maximum is unnecessary when Yuffie prioritizes deploying many smaller units.
2 Use The Grandmaster Board

After defeating Chadley for the first time on Normal Mode Yuffie unlocks the Grandmaster Board. It only has a maximum of five ATB bars, but the they regenerate fast and the magic spells are helpful. Use this when playing Hard Mode. This board also comes with two powerful elemental spells and the Stop ability. Even though the board only allows for five units, this ultimately works to the player's advantage. Having only five units means being able to spawn the same unit quickly several times over.
1 Use Magic On The Base

Yuffie can only use a magic spell once during a particular round. With this in mind, it is best not to waste them on regular units. Use it on either an outpost or the headquarters. With the master board, using both magic spells on the base can take out half of its health. Additionally, the Stop spell with the master board can be the final thing Yuffie needs to buy some time and win the match.