While Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been gathering a lot of interest recently, fans of the franchise are still creating tributes to other games in the series, including Final Fantasy 10. One fan has pieced together a truly spectacular cosplay of Final Fantasy 10's Yuna, complete with an intricate recreation of her Nirvana staff.
Tomia is a cosplayer from South Korea with a gift for piecing together gorgeous outfits, getting wigs to look just like video game haircuts, and positioning herself in ways very reminiscent of Yuna's body language. Her rendition of Yuna's iconic outfit from the first game is incredibly accurate, but so is the photo editing. Another fan recently discovered what may be a real-life version of Yuna's Final Fantasy 10 kimono. Though the two outfits look incredibly similar, Tomia's is much closer to the one in the game.
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Photographer Garam & Dall provided Final Fantasy 10 fans with an entire photoshoot dedicated to Tomia's Yuna cosplay. The outfit features Yuna's iconic white kimono top, detached sleeves, intricate pink obi, and deep blue kimono skirt. While Yuna's most iconic weapon is the Summoner's Staff which is used in cutscenes, Tomia instead chose to represent her with Nirvana, the weapon traditionally used as the strongest staff in Final Fantasy games. The sheer detail of this cosplay could easily put it on fans' lists of the best Yuna cosplays out there.

In these photographs, Yuna is shown standing in front of a temple and wandering around beneath a tree, surrounded by pyreflies. Though the backgrounds and special effects are downright magical, the images focus on Tomia herself, and the cosplayer does a fantastic job of portraying Yuna's spirituality.
Final Fantasy 10 is a story that belongs to both Tidus and Yuna, and these pictures capture the mystical side of Yuna that drives the game's early plot forward. The choice to show Yuna as Tidus first saw her rather than depict her as a flawed human being is interesting, especially considering the way Final Fantasy 10 gradually tears down that idealized image of her throughout the story. Yuna and Aerith are both often portrayed as mystical and otherworldly characters, even if another Final Fantasy fan put together a striking cosplay of Wall Market Aerith ready to hit someone with a chair.

These photos have been well-received by fans, many of whom have complimented the cosplayer's excellent costuming and photo composition. One recurring complaint is that the pictures are overly photoshopped, leading them to look like in-game screenshots. However, it's entirely possible that this is the effect Tomia was going for. One poster recommended that Tomia try cosplaying Rikku next since the two characters are often portrayed together, something that showed when Final Fantasy 10 fans made a dual Yuna and Rikku cosplay. Regardless, it is clear that this cosplay took a lot of effort.
Final Fantasy 10 Remaster is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.
MORE: Final Fantasy 10: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Yuna
Source: Reddit