Sunday, 25 July 2021 02:30

Genshin Impact: Every Playable Geo User, Ranked | Game Rant

Written by Scott Vengel
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There are some great Geo users in Genshin Impact. Here's a look at all of them, ranked.

The nations of Teyvat in Genshin Impact are defined by their unique usage of seven elements. Among them, few make for gameplay quite as unique as Anemo and Geo do. Liyue's Geo element, in particular, is notable for its complete lack of offensive elemental reactions, opting for defensive shielding instead.

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That said, of the 5 playable Geo users, all need some offensive mechanic to balance the lack of reactions. Most of the time, this is a tactical mechanic designed to complement high-power teammates, but as always, it varies from character to character. In the end, some Geo characters make for better combat characters than others.

5 Geo Traveler

Unsurprisingly for some fans, the Traveler that acts as the protagonist is the most mediocre Geo user of the lot. After all, most free characters outlive their usefulness. The Geo Traveler is especially notable for this trend, given that they are the only free 5-star in the game.

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Their Geo construct isn't particularly useful compared to others, only allowing for a small plunge attack. Granted, their burst makes for a good amount of damage in the early game, but it becomes obsolete compared to other characters. In the end, the Geo Traveler doesn't have a lot going for them, even compared to the Anemo and Electro Travelers.

Of course, it isn't all bad for the Geo Traveler. No character has easier access to constellations than the Traveler, who obtains them through rank rather than wishes. While the construct itself can be underwhelming, their skill's damage is considerable. Ultimately, although underwhelming, a good Traveler with a good DPS can make an effective combo.

4 Ningguang

Outside of the Traveler, every Geo character has a major mechanic that sets them apart from the rest of Genshin Impact's cast. In Ningguang's case, this comes in major passive talents and DPS level strength. This also comes in addition to a construct that helps nullify pesky projectiles.

With a passive that increases the strength of Geo attacks (after passing through her Jade Screen), Ningguang can increase her or an ally's strength. However, this can also be a limitation for Ningguang. As they face a loss if their team doesn't have another Geo character, players may find this too restraining.

In addition, despite her higher damage potential, Ningguang is ultimately a 4-star character. She may be suitable for the DPS in many cases, but many players will find themselves switching to a 5-star character when they get the chance. Nonetheless, for characters looking to use Ningguang in their team, she suits herself to being paired with at least one Geo character.

3 Noelle

In many ways, Noelle is the highlight of true versatility in Genshin Impact. Healing, DPS, shielding, support, Noelle has a little bit of everything. Frankly, in terms of combat prowess, Noelle could even give Albedo a run for his money.

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Nonetheless, players cannot underestimate the limitations of a 4-star character. Even Noelle has her limits, with other characters dwarfing her in terms of DPS potential and crowd control. In the end, however, Noelle is an above-average choice for most teams in general, not just among Geo users.

Players will find Noelle best suited for the healer position in a team. Here, they can also utilize her versatility to act as a great support when necessary. Alternatively, players may want to invest in her normal attack and burst, placing her as sub-DPS.

2 Albedo

While Noelle is a jack-of-all-trade, Albedo has a natural knack for a skill every team needs: DPS. Kill-zoning, the creation of areas of effect that heavily increase damage output, is the natural best strategy for Mondstadt's head alchemist.

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Albedo's elemental skill creates a temporary zone that exudes Geo energy, in addition to creating his infamous elevator-like Geo construct. When paired with other zones, or a good DPS like Diluc, Albedo can be a natural crystallized shield factory. This is in addition to naturally high damage outputs, makes for a force to be reckoned with, second to almost nobody in the Genshin Impact roster.

In terms of team composition for Albedo, players will find the best results with Albedo as a sub-DPS, using his skill in combination with a strong DPS. The strength of Albedo's zone boosts with zone users, like Bennett who boosts attack, or Diona's healing zone. In addition, like others on the list, Ningguang is a good choice both for her increase in Geo damage and for an easy Geo resonance.

1 Zhongli

Archons are the face of their respective elements, so it makes sense that Zhongli would be a major player in the Geo playing field. All Geo characters derive their powers from him, and likewise, Zhongli draws from the strengths of all other Geo characters.

He offers the best shielding in the game, working much in the same way that Noelle does in this regard. As far as DPS potential, his scales naturally compete with Albedo on their own. While he doesn't excel at creating kill-zones, his pillars only releasing minimal Geo energy, his burst ranks among the best in Genshin Impact as a whole.

Overall, Zhongli can be paired with nearly anybody and still be an incredibly powerful force. However, he finds especially high use in teams with high-powered DPS characters with lower defense, like Diluc and Keqing. Pairing him with Ningguang also makes for a great choice, increasing the strength of his talents with Ningguang's passive.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: Best Gadgets, Ranked

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