Disney+'s Loki sheds much light on the God of Mischief's extended capabilities as well as his character development, even after his death in Avengers: Endgame. This alternate timeline Loki has proven to be as much of a misunderstood trickster as the one that got killed by Thanos.
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As it turns out, Loki is quite the troublemaker in the MCU multiverse. He's responsible for tampering with timelines and he's quite good at it, thanks to his set of superpowers. This was discussed in one of the series' episodes, but remained a conservative estimate. Hence, here's a full picture of MCU Loki's capabilities and how much he can potentially damage the Sacred Timeline.
10 Telekinesis

It might not look like it, but Loki has telekinesis, which he has demonstrated in the Thor movies. It's doesn't seem as powerful as Scarlet Witch's telekinesis for example, but Loki uses it in combat quite generously. In the first Thor film, when he's fighting the Frost Giant's alongside Thor, he can be seen propelling his daggers using telekinesis.
Apparently, Loki can amplify his telekinesis when angered. Still, it's not a substantial ability that would let him manipulate timelines or even escape the TVA (Time Variance Authority) when they're chasing him around multiple universes.
9 Conjuration

Ever wondered where Loki or even Thor stash their weapons? They certainly don't have scabbards, and their pockets aren't big enough. It turns out Asgardians might have some conjuration magic capability, being able to displace their weapons somewhere else and call upon them when needed.
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Loki has demonstrated this ability, and he gets rather resourceful with it using his daggers. Since he can hide them from sight practically everywhere, he often uses them for sneak attacks. It's also how he hid the Tesseract from Thanos during the start of Avengers: Infinity War. All in all, it's a pretty useful skill to have against the TVA.
8 Asgardian Longevity

Loki's functional immortality is one of his most underrated abilities. He's essentially an Asgardian, and most Asgardians become more powerful as they age. Both Thor and Odin are prime examples of this trait.
Loki could also possess this ability. Apart from that, the ability to not die or physically age to the point of weakness allows Loki to attain boundless knowledge. He has all the time in the world, after all, and will likely outlive most Avengers or even other beings in the MCU.
7 Strength & Speed

Loki's Asgardian or Frost Giant heritage sets him a cut above the rest of the rather frail Marvel villains. This ancestry grants him superhuman strength, agility, and speed. He's not as powerful as Thor in this regard, but any human enemy will be no match against him.
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This allows Loki to go toe-to-toe with Frost Giants, Dark Elves, and even a Valkyrie in the films. He's still grossly outclassed by Thanos in raw strength, but then again, so is everyone else in the MCU at the moment. In terms of speed, he's fast enough to catch Hawkeye's arrows and even evade bullets.
6 Durability & Healing

As Thor's brother, Loki has the full basic suite of superhumanity. On top of super strength, speed, agility, and reflexes, he also has denser tissue and molecular structure. This makes him drastically more durable than humans or their usual inventions.
Loki was notably able to withstand the Hulk's thrashing, albeit poorly. Even an advanced SHIELD gun doesn't affect him at all. He's also canonically be more resistant to pain and damage than the typical Frost Giant. In the event that he does get scarred or injured, Loki can still heal himself rapidly — unless it was Thanos who snapped his neck.
5 Generic Sorcery

Sorcery is a bit of a wildcard in the MCU and most other franchises, as it has no clear power hierarchy rules. However, one thing is certain: Loki is an accomplished sorcerer. It's even surmised that in the MCU, Loki can contend with Doctor Strange for a sorcery showdown or battle.
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He's well-versed in the mystical arts since his adoptive mother, Frigga, taught him well. Thus, Loki is able to manipulate Asgardian magic, be it for dispelling others' magic or using it against them. With a proper weapon or conduit, he can even channel some energy blasts.
4 Illusion Manipulation

The bulk of Loki's sorcery skills lies with his trickster arts. Similar to conjuration skills, Loki utilizes a bigger form of conjuration, which the Disney+ series calls Illusion Manipulation. It's one of Loki's most favorite magic tricks to perform, in or out of combat.
Loki uses this talent to conjure up false environments. These objects don't exist and anyone can pass through them, as they're only a trick of the light. Loki most notably used this when he was imprisoned in Asgard, to hide the fact that he trashed his room after learning of Frigga's death.
3 Duplication Casting

Duplication Casting, as Loki himself explained it, is the concept of making a holographic copy of a person or object that's also an exact replica of the original. Loki uses it to project images of himself, in order to trick enemies into attacking an illusion.
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Other times, he can get even more creative with these abilities. He can cast multiple illusory copies of himself to further confuse enemies, or dictate the flow of a battlefield. Thor typically falls for this trick too often.
2 Shapeshifting

Casting multiple illusions of oneself or changing the appearance of rooms or objects might be tactically advantageous, but nothing compares to the strategic importance of Loki's Shapeshifting. With it, he's able to rule Asgard as Odin.
Loki can easily assume the shape and form of another being and act their personality as well. Given his mystical capabilities and superhuman traits, copying almost anyone should be easy for him. The amazing part is that Loki can maintain the form even when in pain or during combat.
1 Enchantment/Mental Manipulation

Another Loki ability that is more or less tied with Shapeshifting is his invasive, treacherous Enchantment ability. It's also called Mental Manipulation, as Loki uses it to hypnotize and mind control anyone he can, mostly humans.
Loki did this often with Hawkeye in the first Avengers film. In one of the recent episodes for Disney+'s Loki, a craftier version of himself is also seen using this ability to carry out plans. If he so desired, Loki could probably rule all of Earth with this power alone.