Along with the Master Sword, the bow, and the Hylian Shield, empty bottles are a staple of the Legend of Zelda series. With that being the case, it should come as no surprise to anyone to learn that the glass receptacles once again make an appearance in Skyward Sword HD. There are five of them to collect in total and they can be used for a variety of things, most notably storing potions and fairies for Link to consume whenever his back is against the wall.
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Though collecting all five of them is entirely optional, players will need to obtain at least one in order to gain access to the Fire Sanctuary and must also have an empty bottle in their adventure pouch in order to deliver Pumm's hot pumpkin soup to the commander of the Knight Academy. Given how easy they are to obtain though, not to mention how useful potions can be when tackling some of the game's harder content, there's definitely a strong argument to be made for finding them all.

Players can pick up their first empty bottle at any point after obtaining the Goddess Sword from inside the statue of the goddess at the beginning of the game. To do so, all they'll need to do is head to the Bazaar in Skyloft and speak to Luv, the old woman who runs the potion shop with her husband Bertie. Realizing that Link won't be able to buy any potions without an empty bottle, she'll hand over one of her spares as a way of encouraging the young adventurer to purchase her magical mixtures.

The second empty bottle can also be acquired near the start of the game not long after players make their first foray down to the surface world. During their first visit to the temple in the Sealed Grounds, players will be able to find a Revitalizing Potion in a chest in the northeast corner of the main room where they first meet the old woman. Though not strictly empty, players will be able to keep the glass bottle after consuming or disposing of the potion.

Once players have completed Skyview Temple, they'll be able to start tackling some of the game's many side quests. After completing the Lost Child side quest for Wryna, they can speak to Parrow in the Plaza area of Skyloft to begin the Missing Sister side quest. Upon finding the titular sister stranded on a small Island, players can return to Parrow to get a bottle containing some special bird medicine. After giving the medicine to Orielle's injured Loftwing, they'll be able to keep the empty bottle as an additional reward.

The fourth empty bottle is located in a chest in the Fire Sanctuary. To find it, players will first need to obtain the Mogma Mitts from Silva and then return to the chamber where they first encountered the single Magmanos, the giant lava hand enemy. By tunneling underground, they'll be able to open up a new passageway to an area containing water bulb plants and then use them to defeat the Magmanos. This will cause the lava in the room to drain, allowing Link to follow a new path to a small outdoor area and a chest containing the fourth empty bottle.

To get the final empty bottle, players will either need to have fully upgraded their Goddess Sword or reached the point in the story where they're tasked with finding the Fire Dragon in the depths of the Eldin Volcano. Right at the summit of the volcano, they'll find a large, lava-filled room that leads to the Fire Dragon's chamber with a Goddess Cube sat on a small island to the right. Players will be able to hit the cube with a Skyward Strike from solid land if they are using the fully-upgraded Goddess Sword, although it's far easier to hit it from one of the floating platforms that start appearing during the Song of the Hero questline.

The corresponding Goddess Chest can be found on a small island to the west of the Thunderhead, with Link needing to tunnel underground to reach it. There are two chests that can be reached through this section, but the one players need is accessed via the southeast corner of the underground section. For those having trouble finding the island, it's north of Bug Island, which players will need to visit as part of the Beedle's Missing Beetle side quest towards the end of the game.
NEXT: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Complete Guide For Dungeons, Items & Collectibles