Sunday, 25 July 2021 20:16

Behind-The-Scenes Photos Reveal Affleck's Batsuit (And New Ride) In The Flash

Written by Ahsan Dowling
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The Flash set photos give fans a glimpse at Ben Affleck's Batman suit and a new ride for the Caped Crusader in the upcoming DC film.

Ben Affleck's Batman suit was spotted on the set of the upcoming The Flash film. This was via a blurry snapshot of a stunt actor on a motorcycle, who was wearing a suit that looked very similar to the outfit Affleck wore during his time in the Snyderverse.

The Flash has been talked about for a very long time, with many fans speculating about the details of the plot. Many assumed it would tie in the upcoming Batman film with Robert Pattinson as well as the previously released Joker film. There's no confirmation of either of those theories but that hasn't stopped fans from speculating.

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So far, all that is known about The Flash is that Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne/Batman will make his return to the cowl decades after his initial debut in Tim Burton's 1989 film. It's also reported that this will be Affleck's last appearance as Batman, assuming no one makes him an offer to return. Recently, Sasha Calle's Supergirl was also spotted on set. With The Flash film reportedly based on the Flashpoint storyline from the comics, the involvement of all these heroes is expected to be tied to the Scarlet Speedster's ability to travel through time and alter history as a consequence.

Affleck was supposed to star in a standalone Batman film that would see him fighting against Deathstroke, similar to the CGI trailer for Batman: Arkham Origins. It also had Deathstroke finding out Batman's true identity and using it against him. It was reported that the stress from the team was too much, which made Affleck step away and prompted many fans to call for his return since he brought the most physicality to the role of Batman out of any actor. His fight scenes looked very reminiscent of the Arkham games (which drew inspiration from the comics) and the cowl was physically imposing on camera.

If The Flash does well, then fans may get to see a continuation of what Zack Snyder started. However, if this film meets or falls below expectations, then fans may have to hold out hope for something else to come down the road. Right now Marvel Studios is gearing up for its fourth phase by having successful television shows on Disney Plus, so now more than ever is DC's time to cement its foot in the theatrical space.

DC Comics has been taking advantage of HBO Max by putting all of its animated films and shows on the platform. DC just needs to step up their cinematic side and then they will finally be a competition to Marvel when it comes to the box office since DC is arguably dominant when it comes to either the small screen or video games.

The Flash is expected to hit theatres on November 4, 2022.

MORE: The Flash TV Show Has Never Given Iris West Her Due

Source: AlwaysBi/RedditBman1738/Reddit

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