Fans of Pokemon continue to celebrate their favorite characters in the series, with some creating their own visions of them. One image that's currently circulating the internet shows an impressive Raichu redesign.
A Reddit user known as Abz-art recently posted their reimagining of Raichu from Pokemon. This redesign remains an Electric-type, but the Pokemon has been changed in several ways. The Pokemon's typical curly ears have been replaced by large crescents that generate electricity.
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The color scheme of Abz-art's Raichu comes in two varieties, changing from the traditional orange with brown and yellow accents to beige and black with orange and brown accents. Although Pikachu's iconic red cheeks turn yellow when it evolves into a Raichu, both versions of Abz-art's Raichu have blue cheeks and eyes.

Raichu has received the official redesign treatment when the Pokemon was found in Alola, the region from Pokemon Sun and Moon. Pokemon Sun and Moon's Alolan Raichu feature blue eyes like this one, but Abz-art's version has more intensity to it. Both the standard Raichu and the Alolan form are rounded out compared to Pikachu, but Abz-art's Raichu makes them all look like Pikachu from the first generation. Abz-art's Raichu has a spikey design that several other Reddit users have compared to Zeraora.
Zeraora is another Pokemon from Sun and Moon and Abz-art's Raichu shares several similarities with the other Electric-type. They have mentioned that Raichu is their favorite Pokemon and that its existing design is already perfect. This Raichu was created as a result of the feedback Abz-art received on their Pikachu redesign.
Abz-art has previously posted a redesigned Pikachu which acts as the first stage to this Raichu and it shares many similarities with the Raichu. This Pikachu shares the same color scheme as their Raichu and it's similarly very spikey. Although the ears of Abz-art's Raichu have been drastically changed to be crescent-shaped, their Pikachu's ears remain mostly unchanged.

One of the biggest changes with Abz-art's Raichu is its paws looking more like Mewtwo's than the original Raichu. Even Alolan Raichu's hands lack the same form that Abz-art's Raichu hands have and the Pokemon generates electricity with those hands similar to Mewtwo charging a Shadow Ball.
Some Reddit users lament the fact that Abz-art's Raichu isn't an available option in the Pokemon series, with one saying it should've been a Galarian form in Pokemon Sword and Shield. One Reddit fan pointed out that Abz-art's Raichu seems more like an Electric-Fighting type Pokemon rather than a strictly Electric-type. Several others have compared this redesigned Raichu to Zeraora, but Abz-art hasn't said if the other Pokemon inspired this redesign.
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