If there's one thing that Red Dead Redemption 2 exceeds incredibly at is its attention to detail. Boasting an impressive degree of user interactivity spanning a massive open world, there's a cacophony of hidden content and threads for players to follow within Red Dead Redemption 2. However, one player's recent encounter with a stone carving might indicate an alien presence within the game.
While Red Dead Redemption 2 is home to several Easter eggs, the bulk of its open-world gameplay consists primarily of original content. Whether that's chance encounters with NPCs, fighting off gangs and bounty hunters, or tracking down collectibles. Though, every so often, players will encounter hidden details within the environment that tell a kind of hidden story. One such hidden story potentially pertains to alien lifeforms.
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A Reddit user by the name of Radiant-Head-793 found a bizarre image carved into a rock within West Elizabeth. There seem to be three tall, skinny creatures etched white against a black background. The Redditor surmised that they were aliens carved onto the rock and noted that the rock carving was surrounded by poles with skulls and horns on them.
This image could signify a lot of things. The poles with the skulls and horns on them could indicate the presence of some long-dead cult that worshipped these creatures or something to that extent. Then again, Rockstar Games has been known to include aliens in a number of its games by way of various form factors. In fact, one of the studio's most popular games includes a similarly mysterious, alien-related secret.
One of the greatest hidden details within Grand Theft Auto 5 is the infamous alien mystery, which involved a series of cryptic images that led the player to encounter a UFO. It's possible that this stone carving could be about some longwinded piece of side content similar to the one featured in GTA 5, considering that it did take players a full four years before they finally solved the mystery.
Although, it seems unlikely that Red Dead Redemption 2 would feature something as outlandish as aliens. While the series is known for its rather strange occurrences and less serious in-game content, such as Undead Nightmare, to name one example, extraterrestrials seem less thematically appropriate to the overall tone of the game, compared to something like zombies. It will be interesting to see if other players discover more of these images in the future.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.
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