Destiny 2 features three classes of characters with four additional subclasses. The Hunter was designed by Bungie as the main damage per second character in Destiny 2. Hunters can deal the most damage of any class and use their dexterity to avoid enemy gunfire. After the stasis subclass was added, hunters have become even more dominant in Destiny 2. Because the hunter is a fast and deceptive character, grenade usage is a huge aspect of gameplay with the class.
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In total, players can choose from twelve unique hunter grenades. Each grenade type serves a particular purpose, and some are better than others. Whether guardians are entering Trials or the new raid, they should be using the grenades that the bottom of this list. Below are all of the hunter grenades in Destiny 2, ranked from worst to best.
Updated on July 28, 2021 by Payton Lott: This article has been updated to include statistics on every hunter grenade. Under each section, there are two PVE examples, as well as the PVP values. What stands out after reviewing the data is how overpowered Lockdown is in bottom tree Nightstalker. The Void grenades are by far the best hunter grenades in the original classes. In PVE, Lockdown vortex grenades decimate the health of yellow bars and bosses. Despite some nerfs, the Stasis grenades remain top options as well. Guardians will have more success if they use the hunter grenade types at the bottom of this guide. Every Hunter grenade in the base classes is unlocked for new players in 2021. Those that wish to use the stasis grenades will have to get the Beyond Light expansion.
12 Flux Grenade

Hunters should never be using the flux grenade. Guardians will have to stick enemies with the grenade to do considerable damage, which is difficult even when facing adds. Even with a successful stick, the grenade will not do enough damage to be viable. To make matters worse, the falloff damage is abysmal. Fans of sticky grenades will have to wait for Bungie's next title. Flux grenades are disappointing in PVE and terrible in PVP. These types of grenades should impact kill enemies, and they way they were designed makes little sense.
- PVP: 151
- PVE Modular Mind: 697
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 3,818
11 Voidwall Grenade

In PVE, some enemies are immune to the initial effects of the voidwall grenade. despite the fact that the grenade does a ton of damage, it should not be used in Destiny 2. Once the grenade contacts the ground, it will spread a horizontal wall of void area of effect damage. The wall is easy to avoid, and gamers will rarely be able to inflict damage on multiple enemies. It could be an option against bosses in raids, but the other void grenades are more reliable. The proper way to use the grenade is blocking lanes and passageways. It will give the guardian time to shield up and reload before rejoining a fight.
- PVP: 192
- PVE Modular Mind: 7,156 (Lockdown)
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 39,387
10 Tripmine Grenade

The tripmine grenade can be likened to a claymore or bouncing betty in other fps games. The grenade deals a lot of damage to enemies that pass trough its sensors. Although, if the tripmine is not set off, it will automatically detonate in 15 seconds. Because the grenade automatically detonates, gamers will have to place it in locations they know and enemy will travel through in the following few seconds. Even then, there are times that the tripmine just refuses to explode. Because of this limitation, the grenade is not very practical in PVP or PVE.
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- PVP: 160
- PVE Modular Mind: 1,258
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 6,048
9 Spike Grenade

Skilled guardians can dominate with the spike grenade, but it is more difficult to use than many of the other options. Once thrown, the grenade will stick to surfaces and deal damage over time to enemies that pass through the "spike." It can be used to trap enemies in one location and trick enemies in small corridors. However, guardians will have to practice throwing the grenade precisely for it to be effective.
- PVP: 199
- PVE Modular Mind: 2,716 (Lockdown)
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 29,652
8 Swarm Grenade

Gunslinger's swarm grenade looks cool, but it is not very useful inmost scenarios. Even if gamers hit enemies with the grenade, it will still do less damage than the incendiary grenade. It is also common for the small swarm grenades to not lock onto the intended target. Against low-level adds, the swarm grenade can take out multiple enemies at once. It is the only Gunslinger grenade that tracks multiple targets. Opting for one of the exploding grenades will give guardians a better chance of success.
- PVP: 144
- PVE Modular Mind: 877
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 4,624
7 Skip Grenade

The skip grenade is basically a swarm grenade, but blue. It will break into multiple smaller grenades that seek enemies. While the skip grenade has a lower theoretical max damage, its mini grenades are better at seeking enemies than the swarm grenade. For that reason, and its color, the skip grenade is a tinge better. Gamers should try to have the grenade impact the ground instead of throwing it directly at an enemy. Skip grenades will not stick or cause impact damage, so hitting an enemy will just delay its effects. Based on the stats, it is evident that the skip grenade is not even close to being one of the top options.
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- PVP: 124
- PVE Modular Mind: 640
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 2,627
6 Incendiary Grenade

The incendiary grenade is the best solar grenade for hunters to use in the gunslinger subclass. The initial blast will deal high damage on impact, followed by five ticks of area of effect damage. It must rest at the base of an enemy before exploding to cause the highest possible damage. If the grenade misses the sweet spot, it will deal ~30% less damage. Guardians that can throw it accurately will inflict moderate damage in PVE. In PVP, the solar hunter grenade is not quite as useful. Damage falloff is the main issue in PVP, and guardians will be able to dodge out of the grenade's range relatively quickly.
- PVP: 152
- PVE Modular Mind: 970
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 4,991
5 Arcbolt Grenade

Hunters that use the Arc subclass should always be using the arcbolt grenade. Each grenade will chain arc energy between foes, dealing the same amount of damage to each. Unlike the other area of effect grenades, the arcbolt will do high damage to any enemy that is close enough to chain its energy. The only downside to the grenade is that it can only chain in one direction. Still, the arcbolt can chain three or even four opponents at a time, which is incredible in PVP. In PVE, the grenade is useful against adds, but too weak to deplete yellow bars.
- PVP: 91
- PVE Modular Mind: 628
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 3,402
4 Duskfield Grenade

Players that have already unlocked the stasis aspects will have three amazing grenades to choose from. *As mentioned, to unlock the Stasis grenades, guardians will need the Beyond Light expansion. Stasis abilities are unlocked by finishing the Beyond Light story missions.
The Duskfield grenade creates a ball that will slow and freeze targets that are stuck in the area of effect. It is useful in all modes, and very effective when fighting multiple enemies at once. The Whisper of Durance fragment will make the effects of the grenade last even longer. Anyone trapped in the grenades effects will almost certainly be killed. While it deals a minuscule amount of damage, well-timed grenades are overpowered in PVP.
3 Coldsnap Grenade

Coldsnap grenades freeze the area near impact and can freeze opponents that are near the initial effect. In PVP, the coldsnap grenade will completely immobilize enemies close enough to be frozen by its effects.
Guardians will have a lot of success combining the grenade with shatterdive. Frozen opponents will be instantly killed by the overpowered ability. The coldsnap tracking can be inconsistent, and the range of the grenade is limited to just a few meters. Because the grenade takes time to seek out enemies, it can be easily avoided. For hunters in particular, the glacier grenade is the best hunter grenade choice for the reasons outlined below.
2 Vortex Grenade

Vortex grenades are the best Void grenades in Destiny 2. Over time, the grenades will deal a massive amount of damage to enemies that are near its vortex. The grenade is also incredibly easy to use and effective in a variety of scenarios. In PVE, vortex grenades will slowly drain health from bosses and majors.
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In PVP, players can stack damage on opponents and trap them with a timely vortex grenade. While the other void grenades may do slightly more damage, the vortex grenade is easy to use, practical, and versatile. The vortex grenade is the best hunter grenade for PVE. When a vortex grenade is active, majors and bosses have their health pools depleted extremely quickly. Combine the vortex with a super and no opponent stands a chance.
- PVP: 200
- PVE Modular Mind: 2,428 (Lockdown)
- PVE Pleasure Gardens Tree Dogs: 26,498
1 Glacier Grenade

Even after the stasis nerf, Hunters will be able to combine the effects of the glacier grenade with shatterdive to eliminate multiple enemies in an instant. The nerf limited the range of shatterdive and glacier grenades, but it is still incredibly broken in PVP. The glacier grenade is the most used Trials grenade, and for good reason. There is no counter play to a perfectly placed glacier grenade. Guardians can also use the glacier as a shield or as a platform to find advantageous angles.
NEXT: Destiny 2: Pro-Tips To Help You Dominate PVP As A Warlock