Holding out against the rampage of a horrific monster can be both terrifying and difficult, but survivors can use their wits and willpower to escape the sharp blades of the hideous fiend that hunts them.
Players in Dead by Daylight, an independently made multiplayer survival horror game by Behaviour Digital Inc., must use the terrain and their understanding of a killer's powers to stay alive long enough for the survivors to complete their objectives.
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One of the best perks that can allow survivors a better chance at victory is called Lucky Break, as it prevents the killer from tracking those that they have wounded. This means that the much-faster survivors can lose their bloodthirsty pursuer significantly easier. To acquire this amazing perk, one will need to either play as a specific character or level up adequately to unlock it on all characters.

The Lucky Break perk starts off being unique to only Yui Kimura, a character known for her work as a mechanic and her activity as a street racer. Yui was introduced to the game during Chapter 14 (the Cursed Legacy DLC), which was released in December 2019.
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In addition to having the unique Lucky Break perk, Yui also has the Any Means Necessary and Breakout perks, which respectively allow players who have selected her to reset pallets and help captured survivors escape the grasp of the killer easier.

The only way to get the incredible Lucky Break perk on a character other than Yui Kimura is to play until one reaches level 30 with a character. At this point, a teachable version of this perk will appear in one's Bloodweb at a cost of 5,000 Bloodpoints.
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After buying it with one character, it will become available in the Bloodwebs of all others, though must be purchased individually for all of them.

Whenever a survivor gets injured by the killer, they will leave pools of blood and scratch marks in their wake as they flee from their would-be murderer, which allows the slow and methodical maniac to track down their prey regardless of where they run.
However, the Lucky Break perk can counter this hunting method by preventing injured survivors from leaving behind trails of blood or scratch marks to follow. This can allow hurt survivors to lose the killer much easier during a chase and can even be used to distract the fiend from other survivors completing objectives. The duration of Lucky Break's effects doesn't last very long, so make sure to time one's usage of it well, lest it is wasted, as this perk can only be used once per trial.