Tuesday, 27 July 2021 19:04

Things You Need To Know Before Starting Pokemon Reborn

Written by Scott Vengel
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A classic fan-made game, Pokemon Reborn is a fantastic project. What should new players know about the PC RPG?

The world of Pokemon is perfect fan game material - large groups of adorable creatures, simple RPG mechanics, the list goes on. However, outside of classics like Pokemon Redemption and Pokemon Rejuvenation, the series rarely receives the fan-made quality that other series get. Or, at least, it did before the release of Pokemon Reborn back in 2012.

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Featuring all of the loveable creatures in Nintendo's flagship series until generation 7's Alola region, many will be tempted to jump right in. However, fans should beware; there is more to Pokemon Reborn that meets the eyes. Players should make note of several things before they play which will enhance their experience.

10 It Is Darker Than The Main Series

This is not the normal, family-friendly Pokemon game. An exploding train makes for the perfect introduction to Reborn City; the setting of this game is a train wreck in more ways than one. That said, the game offers a more mature gameplay experience for older Pokemon fans.

In the main series, the plot never seems overwhelmingly urgent or threatening to the player. While it does make for a relaxed experience, it can seem a little bit too slow. Pokemon Reborn's dangerous villains and realistic atmosphere make for a nerve-wracking experience that isn't always seen in a Pokemon game.

9 It Is Non-Canonical

For players that want a canonical addition to the series, looking for other options would be advisable. As a fan game, Pokemon Reborn is not a part of the official Pokemon canon. However, this does not make the game a failure in any way, quite the opposite.

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Pokemon Reborn excels because it doesn't need to uphold the official canon. Pokemon in the series can appear wherever, making the appearance of over 800 creatures possible. Not to mention that the game can create whatever lore it wants for the region without having to uphold the standards of the main entries.

8 Expect A Learning Curve

Unlike the standard game in the series, Pokemon Reborn is designed to primarily be played on PC. Control mechanics found in console games, such as multitasking with the touchscreen on the DS, will not apply here.

It can take some time to get used to using the keyboard for everything in the game. That said, some shortcuts make the game easier to play. For example, Pokemon Reborn can be saved by simply pressing the D key. That and running shoes can be toggled by pressing the S key or quickly used with the spacebar.

7 Expect High Difficulty

Life is hard, and Pokemon Reborn's more realistic setting adds to this idea. The fan game holds a much higher standard of difficulty than the average Pokemon game.

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Gym leaders are actually difficult to beat, opportunities to level up are sparse. After all, players can't even fish in the main body of water, opting for a person's aquarium instead. Suffice to say, players that find Nintendo's games too easy will love Pokemon Reborn.

6 Keep A Close Eye On The .exe File

When playing through for the first time, some players will become confused by the incredibly slow frame rate. Do not be alarmed, this is most of the time an issue of the application used. Pokemon Reborn is a long-running game, going on ten years old; naturally, through updates, the files have changed over time.

In the unzipped file of the game (make sure you unzip the file beforehand), there is a choice between two application files: Game.exe and Game-z.exe. For the game to be played smoothly, players will want to use the Game-z.exe file to launch the game. This file is newer than the Game.exe file and features a much higher FPS rate for cleaner gameplay.

5 Carefully Consider Your Starter

In the main games, choosing a starter Pokemon is always incredibly difficult. Do players choose the fire-type with the advantage on grass trails, the water-type with advantage in caves, or the grass-type for beach battles? In most cases, the decision is an easy three-option choice, but not in Pokemon Reborn.

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Crossing seven generations of Pokemon games, Reborn City trainers have an option of 21 starter Pokemon. As if the decision wasn't difficult already, players should carefully consider their favorite before playing Pokemon Reborn.

4 Nuzlocke Fans Beware

The Pokemon Nuzlocke is a unique playstyle meant to increase the difficulty of a Pokemon game. Players will release their Pokemon when they faint, losing the game if they are left without any left. However, Nuzlocke players should be wary about starting their career with Pokemon Reborn.

Reborn is a difficult game, short and simple. Players will find their parties wiped out before the first Gym battle, should they not prepare well enough. This isn't even mentioning the lack of grass to easily catch Pokemon. In the end, while it is possible to complete a Nuzlocke in Pokemon Reborn, it is not advised for the first playthrough.

3 A Different Shiny Situation

While Nuzlocke fans will find it difficult playing Pokemon Reborn, the situation is quite different for shiny hunters. Put in short, shiny Pokemon are far easier to find in the fan game, and many players should be able to catch their first shiny within an hour of playing.

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Not only that, but shiny sprites have received a major aesthetic improvement. No need to be concerned, most of the best shiny Pokemon will keep their appearance. However, some of the less convincing shinies (like Scyther which barely qualifies as a shiny in the main games) are completely changed.

2 Be Aware Of Field Effects

One of the most unique features in Pokemon Reborn are field effects. Granted, these terrain situations did occur in the main games, like rain, increasing the strength of water-type attacks.

But, the terrain conditions in Pokemon Reborn are far more complex. Field effects like Electric Terrain increase the strength of electric attacks and give some interesting benefits to certain attacks in particular. While these complex scenarios do take some time to get used to, they make gameplay a whole lot more enjoyable.

1 Careful Who You Trust

Pokemon Reborn is realistic, in every way imaginable. This doesn't just focus on the environmental situation of the city, but also the psychological and socio-economic situation of the people living in it.

Throughout the game, people will not be having Pokemon battles just for fun, they will actively want to steal your Pokemon and money. Granted, players don't have to worry about actually losing their Pokemon team. However, there will be moments where players are scammed, robbed, and threatened by the world around them.

NEXT: Best-Performing Pokemon In Competitive Play

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