Friday, 30 July 2021 01:56

Best Characters Created in Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls Online

Written by Andrea Trama
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The Elder Scrolls games offer arguably one of the most iconic customization experiences in video games, with plenty of good-looking characters.

One of the main features of The Elder Scrolls games, be it the mainline games or The Elder Scrolls Online, have arguably a very distinctive feature, and that is the fact that players can make very unique characters while first playing. Skyrim is a great example of this logic, and it is still going strong even after almost 10 years since its release, in November 2011, and Elder Scrolls Online is also constantly pulling good numbers of active players. While Skyrim's graphics may seem a bit outdated to some by now, the game has always enjoyed the support of its dedicated modding community, and thus there are plenty of mods to make new and old characters look fantastic and have a plethora of new customization options.

On the other hand, The Elder Scrolls Online too manages to allow players to create consistently great characters both when they are first created, and also later on when more customization options become available. All of this bodes very well for what The Elder Scrolls 6 will eventually bring to the table, especially with the improved graphics and performance of the next-gen consoles—specifically, the Xbox Series X/S. Still, with The Elder Scrolls 6 likely being years away from now, RPG fans and those who love the series should look no further than Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online to make great characters and enjoy the experience each game has to offer.

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A creative Reddit user by the name of MasterClasses made their Magicka Necromancer in The Elder Scrolls Online pretty much identical to Disney's Hades. The look is quite spectacular, what hits it out of the park is the use of the Wayshrine right behind the character, as that provides them the glowing flaming blue hair that Hades is so renowned for.

VitkiBj0rn, another Redditor, made their own custom design for their Skyrim character—Eivor the Grey. This character is quite unique because seasoned female characters are not made that often, and this one comes with a backstory too, as per VitkiBj0rn's comments. This great warrior was pursued into exile by the Thalmor, and then lost an arm (which was achieved in-game with the Amputator beta mod) during an encounter with a bear.

This Reddit user did an extraordinary job on their caster in Skyrim, who can be seen in the respective Reddit post in a dramatic pose while brewing a fire spell and a lightning spell simultaneously. Despite the fact that this might look like a Final Fantasy character, the look is achieved with the Tullius WigPack and Strange Rune mods, for more hairstyles and rune-casting.

Redditor lazylazygecko made a very fun character in The Elder Scrolls Online, who they called Merrio. This Breton is basically Mario's lookalike from the popular Nintendo games, and also wears a matching outfit that sports the same colors as Mario's. This is a Magicka Dragonknight character, but as a comment suggested, it would have been even more perfect as a Warden because of the healing mushrooms.

A very creative Redditor named zilko1994 made an incredible cosplay of Shovel Knight for their character, with a very fitting combination of armor pieces and also a shovel, of course. The combination of Breton armor, Divine Prosection pieces, Caswell's Battle Axe, and Abyssal Beryl and Divine Gold as dyes make for a perfect costume for all Shovel Knight fans out there.

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Reddit user neglelakk made a very convincing cosplay of Jasmine in The Elder Scrolls Online, also adding a title for the post that pokes fun at a meme regarding selfies. This look was made using Fang Lair Shoulders, Fang Lair Chest, Sapiarch Gloves, Sapiarch Sash, Honor Guard Breeches, Order Of The Hour Shoes, Sapiarch Staff, and Saliache Aetherial Tiara. Overall, a great look for Aladdin fans.

This custom-made character is an incredible design for a female Bosmer in Skyrim, and she has a wintry look that makes her almost ethereal. Reddit user Kadraeus got the spectacular antlers by increasing the polygon count on Spriggan branches found within the Horns Aplenty—A Racemenu Slider Mod.

Yet another original Skyrim character that was created by Kadraeus and then shared on Reddit, Niranai Ashinabi is an incredible Dunmer made with the help of several mods. Kadraeus used the following mods: Bijin Skin for face textures, High Poly Head with the Aesthetic Elves addon, Authentic Eyes, Kalilies Brows, hair from SG Hair Pack 268, Skin Feature Overlays for the freckles, and Community Overlays 1 for the facepaint.

It's undeniable that Iron Man is one of the most beloved characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Reddit user kaoticfish decided to make their tribute to the superhero in The Elder Scrolls Online. One of the most compelling features of this outfit is that it's achieved by using the Thieves Guild armor, and then coloring it in a way that makes its circle blue, like Iron Man's suit.

Because The Elder Scrolls Online has so many options for character customization, Multimarkboy was able to recreate Kratos from the God of War series in the game. Considering that ESO has plenty of combat to go through, Kratos is the perfect cosplayable character for players who want to instill fear in their opponents, and his look fits right in with The Elder Scrolls' universe.

Reddit user raumeat created not one but three great cosplay options, respectively for Aang, Korra, and Zuk from Avatar: The Last Air Bender and The Legend of Korra. Because The Elder Scrolls Online offers plenty of tattoos for customization, including glowing ones, raumeat was able to achieve a very convincing look on Aang and Korra, and then on Zuko too with the use of great armor motifs.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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