Wednesday, 04 August 2021 12:17

New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon in Florio Nature Park (Day) & Where to Find Them

Written by Tom Bowen
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Florio Nature Park (Day) is the opening course in New Pokemon Snap and the home of a wide range of Pokemon.

As soon as players have finished their basic training with Professor Mirror and Rita they'll be ready to set out and start their New Pokemon Snap adventure in the Lental region. The first course that they'll have access to is called Florio Nature Park and, to begin with, at least, they'll be visiting the park during the daytime.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Florio Nature Park (Day) & How To Complete Them

There's only one alternate route to worry about and it doesn't become available until players reach research level 3 and so they'll be able to focus solely on hunting down Pokemon and looking for those elusive four-star photographs for the first few runs. The course is home to 24 Pokemon in total, although only 19 of them are available from the very beginning.

Updated August 5, 2021 by Tom Bowen: News of a substantial free update for New Pokemon Snap came as quite a surprise to many, especially given how soon after the announcement the update actually arrived. It brought with it 20 new Pokemon and three new courses, one of which shares a pretty big connection with Florio Nature Park. Should players explore the Secret Side Path (Day) course, they'll find that it shares an exit with Park (Day), meaning that a few of the newly added Pokemon pop up in both courses. As a result, as well as an additional Dodrio, there are now four extra Pokemon for players to find and photograph in the Park (Day) course.

  • Pichu - Pichu can be found in a number of different places throughout the park, although the easiest place to get a photo is either at the very beginning of the course or at the very end.
  • Grookey - Grookey and Pichu will chase each other around the park, so those who find Pichu shouldn't have too much trouble spotting Grookey as well.
  • Vivillon - Vivillon shows up in a few different spots, but the best place to get a photo is on the left-hand side shortly after passing the lake. A green Vivillon will also show up behind players as they enter the flowery meadow once they reach research level 3.
  • Bouffalant - There is a herd of Bouffalant on the right-hand side at the very beginning of the course. Alternatively, players can wait until the meadow at the very end.
  • Dodrio - Dodrio follows a similar course to the NEO-ONE, so players have quite a few opportunities to get a decent photo. The best of these arrives shortly after going round the first major bend in the path. A Dodrio will also show up in the flowery meadow if players opt for the Secret Side Path route.
  • Bidoof - Bidoof makes quite a few appearances throughout the course, although it never really gets much closer than it does at the very beginning of the area.
  • Emolga - Those hoping to snap a photo of Emolga will need to point their camera towards the trees in the small forested section shortly after crossing the bridge at the beginning of the course.
  • Wurmple - Wurmple likes to hang out on the right-hand side shortly after the small forested section as well as to the right of the bend in the road just past the lake.
  • Swanna - Swanna can be found swimming around in the lake or occasionally flying high above it.
  • Taillow - Taillow first shows up as players are passing the lake and should be visible directly in front of the NEO-ONE. It also shows up in a few spots immediately after the lake.
  • Ducklett - Ducklett can be seen swimming in the lake right next to where players first see Swanna.
  • Magikarp - Magikarp can be found flopping around and occasionally shooting up into the air right at the end of the lake section.
  • Hoothoot - Hoothoot is hiding in a tree hollow just past where players find Magikarp, but a well-placed Fluffruit can coax it out.
  • Comfey - There are quite a few Comfey floating around in the flowery meadow section at the end of the course. Illuminating the Crystabloom near the meadow's entrance will cause some to fly down and settle near the player.
  • Florges - Florges also likes to hang out in the flowery meadow area where the trail ends.
  • Tangrowth - Players will be able to see Tangrowth up on a hill near the start of the stage. They'll be able to get a better photograph a little later on though. It shows up in a rock alcove on the left-hand side shortly after crossing the second stone bridge near the Bidoof Dam.
  • Heracross - Heracross can be found climbing a tree on the left-hand side shortly after passing the first bridge. It also shows up on the small island out past the Bidoof Dam if players knock it out of the tree the first time they see it.
  • Pidgeot - Pidgeot shows up directly in front of players as soon as they pass the first big bend in the road. It's perhaps easier to get a good photograph on the left though near where the Dodrio drops down.
  • Scorbunny - Scorbunny joins Pichu and Grookey after players reach research level 3. It has a habit of running on ahead though, so it's easier to just wait until near the end of the course where it can be found sleeping.
  • Shaymin - Shaymin will join Pichu and Grookey after players have completed the game. It shows up in some bushes in the middle of the course and then again in the flowery meadow near the exit. Players will need to wake it up if they want to get a decent picture though and can do so by illuminating the Crystabloom near Florges.
  • Shroomish - After the NEO-ONE returns to normal size, players will find themselves in the flowery meadow. If they look around, they'll see numerous Shroomish and should snap a photo of one of them so that the Pokemon shows up on the Park (Day) map.
  • Torterra - Though Torterra only usually shows up in the park at nighttime, there'll be one sleeping in the flowery meadow if players follow the Secret Side Path route.
  • Sylveon - Cuddled up next to the giant Torterra, players will be able to find a Sylveon taking a nap. As with other encounters with the Pokemon, hitting it with Illumina Orbs will wake it up, allowing players to interact with it.
  • Snorlax - Snorlax shows up on the far side of the flowery meadow, but only if players feed it on their way through the Secret Side Path. Unlike other Pokemon, who pick food up and eat it by themselves, players will instead need to throw Fluffruit directly into Snorlax's wide-open mouth as it dozes peacefully. Players will need to be quick about it though, as it takes four Fluffruit to wake the Pokemon up, though they can buy themselves a bit of extra time by keeping the camera zoomed in to slow the NEO-ONE down as they throw. Upon seeing it in the meadow, players will be able to hit it with an Illumina Orb to make it run right up to the NEO-ONE.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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