Saturday, 07 August 2021 14:55

New Skyrim Mod Turns Mammoths into Cheese | Game Rant

Written by Andrew Heaton
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While there are many Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim mods that aim to improve the visuals or add quests, there are some that go a little out of left field.

Modding is a time-honored tradition in gaming, particularly when it comes to PC games. Epic titles like Mass Effect have been improved by its fan base with custom mods, showing not only dedication to the series, but also showcasing many skills and talents. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is yet another example of a game that is simply rife for a mod or two here and there. While some add-ons look to improve the visuals or make the game more immersive, there are some which are perhaps a little bit strange, to say the least.

Uploading to Nexus Mods earlier today, user Skinwalker21 has decided that The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim required a mod which perhaps no one else had thought to add until now. Simply called Mammoth Cheese, this file does what it says on the tin, in that it turns the mammoths of the game into giant pieces of cheese, but still with their tusks and furry feet. It's also interesting to note that this is part one of a seemingly continuous series. Whether that means they'll add more cheese mammoths, or turn them into other food, or move onto other wildlife, is hard to say.

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At a cursory glance, it is an odd-sounding mod. However, Skinwalker21 has gone to the trouble of adding a little backstory to it. On the description page, the story goes that the strange Daedric Prince Sheogorath, who is perhaps best known in the Elder Scrolls world for his madness, was so impressed by the sheer might of Skyrim's mammoths, that he offered a deal to their keepers, the giants. In exchange for one mammoth sacrifice, Sheogorath promised the giants unlimited cheese. Agreeing to the deal, the Prince transformed the mammoth to be sacrificed into cheese itself. The cheese mammoth eventually began to breed and the rest of the story is history.

It's an interesting story, and offers some explanation for the existence of the mod, rather than it just being some random visual gag. Anyone who knows the lore of Skyrim may well argue that the giants would never sacrifice a mammoth, even for all the cheese in the land. There have been reports of giants mourning the loss of these huge creatures, which suggests they have a sacred bond with them.

That aside, the mod that Skinwalker21 has made is amusing, and the backstory just adds that extra flavor to it. However, it's not the weirdest Skyrim mod out there. That goes to the add-on that turns Skyrim's moon into Todd Howard's face.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available to play now on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 5 Mods That Make Oblivion More Like Skyrim

Source: Nexus Mods

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