Saturday, 07 August 2021 15:30

The Ascent: Every Skill, Ranked By Their Importance | Game Rant

Written by Payton Lott
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All skills in The Ascent have their uses, but some have a greater effect on the gameplay than others. Which skills are the most important to level up?

The Ascent is making waves as one of the best indie titles this year, and began building a huge player base just days after its release. As more gamers seek out The Ascent, new players will need to get up to speed with how the skill point system works. With every new level, each character will get additional skill points, which they can allocate into one of eight different categories.

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The best skill points will depend on what type of character users would like to create. However, some skill categories clearly outshine others. Some, regardless of the player's build, have a greater impact than others in game.

8 Balance

Most players acknowledge that Balance is the worst skill in The Ascent. Most low level enemies will not stun or stagger, so this skill can be built up later on in a playthrough. One added bonus of balance is the increased movement speed with heavy weapons.

Anyone that likes wielding massive machine guns will enjoy being able to move quicker while dealing damage. Solid movement is fundamental to success in The Ascent, so with the big guns may consider adding a few skill points in this category.

7 Tactical Sense

This skill determines how fast the character's grenades recharge. For those who enjoy using a lot of thrown explosives, this will be a skill to focus on. There are a number of different grenades, and each presents their own advantages.

Later in the game, grenades will be very useful when dealing with multiple enemies, and also cause a lot more DPS than weapons. However, they will not deal nearly as much damage as augments. While gamers still need to incorporate grenades, this skill can wait until levels 10-20 depending on preference.

6 Evasion

Dodging will be the primary method that players use to avoid heavy attacks and enemy gunfire. Putting points in this skill will let players dodge more often and avoid getting hit. Evasion should be a priority for those that play aggressively and push groups of enemies.

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Larger AI and bosses almost always have a strong melee attack. To avoid these hits, characters must have some skill points in the Evasion category. Additionally, dodging lets users move around the map more quickly, as the walk animation can be quite slow.

5 Body Battery

The Body Battery skill increases energy, which allows the character to use more augments. In The Ascent, augments play a huge role in fights. Many deal a ton of damage if they hit, and they can get players out of dangerous situations. The more often a player can use augments, the less likely it is that they will be killed.

Players will have to decide if they want to focus on gunplay, grenades, or augments when allocating these skills. Augments are incredibly powerful, and every player should put at least a few points into this category as they begin to level up.

4 Aiming

The Aiming skill helps gamers control the spread of a weapon. This skill will help those that use automatic weapons or shotguns. The less spread a gun has, the more likely a well aimed shot will connect with the target. A good goal would be to get to around 400% or +4 to ensure the spread is accurate enough to connect shots.

Aiming is not the most important skill, but it will have a bigger impact as people progress through the main missions. Be sure to level it up later on in the game.

3 Weapon Handling

Every weapon in game has a set reload speed. Shotguns and single fire pistols take longer to reload than automatic weapons. These weapons also happen to deal the most damage.

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As a result, increasing reload speed with Weapon Handling is a must. In tight quarters, swapping to a shotgun or a pistol will be more effective than reloading. Thankfully, Weapon Handling increases weapon swap speed as well. This skill is more suited to those who enjoy using the heavy hitting close quarters guns.

2 Critical Hit Rate

In boss and mission mob fights, there will always be a few enemies with large health pools. Critical hits will be crucial in these fights, as they will decimate adds quickly. Once the Critical Hit Rate exceeds 10%, taking care of random mobs will be a breeze.

Players will want to get their health up first, but dealing more damage is one of the most important attributes to focus on. With upgraded weapons, gamers will tear through enemies in an instant if they have a high crit chance.

1 Vital Signs

Health is the single most important skill in The Ascent. As players progress through missions, enemies will hit harder, and having more base health is essential. New players will have less trouble leveling up if they focus on Vital Signs early, as higher level enemies lurk everywhere in the beginning of the game. Once a character has 200 HP, it will be less of a challenge to get through mobs.

Health will drop every few enemies or so, making around 200 HP a good target for level 10. While it may not be the most exciting skill, Vital Signs will keep players in the fight. It will also increase the pool for Biometric augments, and determine how often they can be used. Because of how powerful augments like Hydraulic Slam are, this skill most be a priority throughout the game.

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