Monday, 09 August 2021 21:15

Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer's Epilogue Proves Fan Theories and Leaks Correct

Written by Andrea Trama
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Destiny 2 enters the final phases of the Season of the Splicer with the epilogue dropping today and hinting at big things coming in the future.

Destiny 2 has now entered the final phases of the Season of the Splicer, and the epilogue just went live. The story took a dark turn, and most of the fan theories and leaks for what the ending could have entailed were proven to be pretty much correct, to the point that this poses far more questions than it answers when it comes to the future of Destiny 2 and what it might hold.

Fans of the game are now left speechless, thinking of all the possible implications for what just happened, and many alleged leaks from the past few months seem not so absurd after the unfolding of the recent events. Please note that there are spoilers ahead regarding Season of the Splicer's epilogue.

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The Destiny 2 epilogue mission starts with an ominous message from the Splicer Servitor within the HELM, and then a message broadcast by Lakshmi-2, who announces that she let the Vex invade the Last City to take out the Eliksni. This has been foreshadowed from the very beginning of the season, with Lakshmi-2 saying that she didn't approve of the alliance with Mithrax and his Hous of Light because she had a vision of the future where the Eliksni were in the middle of an armed conflict in the city. As it turns out, she was helped by Osiris in leading the Vex into the city, and the events behind the vision were of her own making. Then, Lakshmi-2 screams in shock as she is killed, likely by someone whom she trusted.

The Guardian takes the fight to the Vex and the Taken in the Eliksni Quarters, and after a long fight manages to close the portal and stop the invasion. That's when a very touching cutscene kicks in, with Mithrax and Saint-14 standing side by side fighting off the invaders and telling each other they are honored to be fighting together. As the Vex press on, Ikora drops a Nova Bomb from above, and other allies join in to take out the enemy and save the day.

Meanwhile, Osiris is reported missing at the very beginning of the fight in the Last City, and during the cutscene, he is seen standing on a balcony observing the events as they unfold. This is the final proof that the Osiris players have been interacting with for the past three seasons cannot be the legendary Warlock who has spent years trying to do good by the Last City and the Traveler. The most popular theory—which is also part of a series of leaks concerning Destiny 2is that this Osiris is actually Savathun, the Hive God of trickery. It is also likely that it is "Osiris" who murders Lakshmi-2.

The "Osiris is Savathun" theory started in Season of the Hunt when the Warlock mysteriously lost his Light and Sagira died off-screen, and it only became more believable with the events of the Season of the Chosen and the current Season. There is no reason why the real Osiris would be standing there, watching as his friends and allies are fighting, and not move a finger. In the aftermath, it is implied in the lore book that Saint-14 will go looking for Osiris, his lover, and see the whole thing through.

There are lots of implications here, and the most likely one is that this storyline is far from over, and it will probably be reprised in The Witch Queen expansion or even in Season 15. If Savathun has been in the Last City all this time, then it's very plausible that she is scheming something big. Furthermore, it poses the question as to what happened to the real Osiris, and if Sagira is actually dead. This could go either way, though, and there is still a chance Bungie might change things up in the near future.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2 Weapons to Farm Before Season 15

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