Tuesday, 10 August 2021 21:00

Which Dragon Ball Villain Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Written by Kate Irwin
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Dragon Ball is full of wild personalities, including its villains. Which one best represents each sign of the Zodiac?

Dragon Ball Z has plenty of incredible villains, each with a unique look and personality. Some appear humanoid, while others are based on animals or aliens from outer space. The majority of Dragon Ball Z villains are ruthless, angry and vengeful. They may all seem, in the terms of personality, largely the same: full of rage and ready to fight.

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However, each villain has a unique backstory that explains why they behave the way they do. Out of all of the Dragon Ball Z villains, some more closely align with certain Zodiac signs than others due to their life experiences, interests and outlooks on life. Here's what the stars say about their personalities.

12 Broly: Aries

Broly is a villain sporting the iconic Dragon Ball Z hair. He's shown to hold grudges throughout his tenure on the show. Having hated Goku for as long as he can remember, he is obsessed with finding and killing him, showing this sign's hot temper.

Broly has carried his childhood trauma with him for his entire life and is unable to let go. With his anger issues, Broly is most like an Aries. Across the Zodiac, the sign of the ram is most likely to act aggressively and carry anger through life.

11 Beerus: Taurus

boss fight in Dragon Ball Z: Kararot's DLC, Beerus resembles a cat in both his appearance and personality. Like a cat, he values sleep and personal hygiene, and tends to be grumpy and lazy. In spite of this, he is actually very powerful, and often acts on whims. He is indifferent toward many things, but values good food, like a Taurus does.

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Those who fall under the sign of the bull value sleep and food more than the average person, much like Beerus. They also stay respectable and classy at all times, even when they're trying to take over or destroy the world.

10 Baby: Gemini

Baby is dead-set on eliminating all of the Saiyans in Dragon Ball Z. His personality fits his name, as Baby is rather immature and childlike. He doesn't care about many things – or people – other than himself. He has a very singular focus in life: to become as powerful as possible.

With his childlike yet ambitious nature, Baby is most like a Gemini, a notoriously two-faced sign. Geminis can be very intelligent and outgoing, but are also just as impulsive as this character.

9 Piccolo: Cancer

Piccolo has had some epic fights, but has shown his soft side when he shows how much he cares for Gohan. He has been judged for much of his life, so when he is able to have an empathetic connection with someone, he embraces it, showing a Cancer's emotional nature.

Like a Cancer, Piccolo is protective of those he cares about and is nurturing toward characters like Pan. Yet, he's definitely still a villain; after all, Piccolo has tried to kill a lot of different characters over the years.

8 Vegeta: Leo

Vegeta is powerful, confident, often arrogant, and enjoys attention. Like the sign of the lion, he has a big ego and wants to prove his superiority around others. Vegeta wants nothing more than to prove to everyone that he is better than Goku on a world stage.

A self-centered character, Vegeta seeks to be the dominant power in any scenario, showing much in common with the the Leo Zodiac sign. While Leos have many endearing traits, such as their extroversion and ambition, they also share Vegeta's flaws of arrogance and entitlement.

7 Cooler: Virgo

Unlike some of the other Dragon Ball Z villains, Cooler doesn't have much of an ego. He is more thoughtful and intellectual, much like this sign. He is mature and less prideful, examining his accomplishments from a more grounded perspective. Cooler listens to what others have to say, and is generally respectful.

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Cooler is far from weak; he just takes a more mature, straightforward strategy to get what he wants. For these reasons, Cooler is most like  Virgo, who is known for being down-to-earth, level-headed and practical.

6 Goku Black: Libra

Goku Black's outlook on the world is based on his own clearly-defined vision of right and wrong. He is often unable to see any wrongdoing in his behavior, with these black-and-white views.

Goku believes he's doing right because he is following his own moral principles and moral code, warped as it may be. Libras too may justify their behaviors through their internal moral systems before acting out, in a similar manner to Goku Black.

5 Garlic Junior: Scorpio

Garlic Junior has respect for family, but has a vengeful side as well. He has a bit of a mastermind personality, choosing to calculate his evil plans carefully and maliciously with the intent of harming others.

Just like Garlic Junior, Scorpios are very determined, secretive and resentful. Driven by his ego, he doesn't really learn from his mistakes — much like this constantly stubborn sign.

4 Moro: Sagittarius

Moro is half human and half goat, not unlike the Sagittarius, who is half man and half horse. As a villain, Moro is independent and believes he is a "supreme existence." Like the Sagittarius, he enjoys sharing his beliefs and intentions with the universe.

Just as Sagittarians love exploration, Moro is always looking for the next thing to destroy, as he has brought an end to over 320 planets. In Sagittarian fashion, he is eloquent with his words, but will also stir the pot and leave others to deal with wake of his destruction.

3 Dr. Gero: Capricorn

Dr. Gero is a scientist who created androids for the Red Ribbon Army. Like many Capricorns, his life is focused on his work, and he is ambitious and intelligent. However, he can also come across as cold and apathetic.

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His soft side is only shown when he creates Android 16, who resembles his son who died in battle. Like a Capricorn, he represses emotions that might inhibit his goals. He believes in duty, honor and fulfilling one's responsibilities.

2 Android 17: Aquarius

Android 17 wishes he had more control over his own life and body, as he resents that he was made into an android. He wishes he was human instead, and is something of an anarchist, much like the forward-thinking Aquarius.

Strong-willed and rebellious, Android 17 has a lot in common with the free-spirited Aquarius. They both value their personal freedom highly, and aren't afraid to break the mold.

1 Android 18: Pisces

Over time, Android 18 becomes more sensitive and kind toward others around her, like those under this sign. She maintains a cool, closed-off demeanor on the outside, but is a person capable of love on the inside.

Android 18 isn't the type to go begging others for help, and prefers to solve problems on her own. Like a Pisces, Android 18 is loyal to those she cares for and keeps her feelings largely to herself.

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