The Lord of the Rings books and movies are extremely beloved. Even now, a long time after the books were released and many years after the last movie left theaters. Lord of the Rings still has a passionate, dedicated fan base today. So what is it? What makes this fantasy story resonate so long after its release? What makes people keep coming back to this world? Of course, Tolkien's original story is good, great even. Yet, the movies also expanded on the story. The Lord of the Rings movies gave some characters more development and others a greater role in the story. The movies, too, therefore, deserve a lot of credit for bringing the story to a new audience.
There are probably many reasons that the Lord of the Rings story is so popular, even in 2021. The answers as to why might be as diverse as the fan base itself. It's so popular, in fact, that Amazon is set to make a show based on Middle Earth. Of course, it's unlikely that the series will reach the heights of the movies. Even if it doesn't, its existence proves that Lord of the Rings is still popular. Some fans –and some people who aren't fans– might wonder why. Why is this tale of Hobbits and Elves, Wizards and Dark Lords still so popular? Luckily, there is an answer to this question. Or rather, answers. Several factors go into its popularity.
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The Lord of the Rings is a popular tale for several reasons definitely. But there are three that stand out. Firstly, there's the escapism element. Reading or watching a story that takes place in a world both like and unlike our own allows audiences to escape truly. To relax and imagine that they're in that magical world. The world of Lord of the Rings is not without its struggles, of course. Sauron is terrorizing Middle Earth, and Frodo is destroyed by the burden of the ring. So much so that he eventually leaves Middle Earth for good. Yet these problems that the main characters deal with feel so fantastical, so unlike real-life worries. This allows readers or viewers to truly sink into the story. It's also much easier to deal with darker themes and issues in a fictional setting than it is in real life.
The larger-than-life conflict of Frodo and the Fellowship vs. Sauron can remind readers and viewers a bit of real-life problems, but not enough to take them out of the story. Mostly, the story offers fans an escape from whatever may be going on in their lives. And that is the first reason for the story's popularity. The second reason that Lord of the Rings is so popular is the possibilities that it suggests. Whether it's Aragorn becoming King and marrying his love Arwen or Sam finally finding confidence and happiness, this story suggests that there is a better way of living one's life. That it's not all about having fantastical adventures, though those are nice, it's about who you go on those adventures with. It's about what you learn from them.
These are lessons that fans can take with them long after they've closed the book or stopped watching the movie. Thirdly, Lord of the Rings is still so popular because of the story's heart, which is its well-written characters. From Frodo to Sam, Merry to Pippin, Aragorn to Arwen, all of the characters of Lord of the Rings captivate fans. They are all compelling protagonists and add a lot to the story. They also tug at fans' heartstrings and don't let go. Fans love to root for these intriguing characters and want to watch them triumph in the end. Whether it's the story's escapism, the possibilities it suggests, or the heart of the story with its characters, Lord of the Rings has a lot to recommend it. It also manages to deliver a truly bittersweet ending, one that fans can understand even if parts of it are sad.
Overall, Lord of the Rings is a great story that will certainly stand the test of time. And for those fans –and others– who are wondering why it is still so popular, hopefully, that mystery is solved. However, not every Lord of the Rings fan will agree with these reasons. As is mentioned above, the reasons for appreciating the story could be as diverse as the fan base itself. So it would make sense that some fans will believe other aspects to be behind the popularity of the trilogy. However, fantasy stories tend to be escapist in nature. That is a draw for many different takes on the genre, but Lord of the Rings probably beats them all. The possibilities and the story's heart go together to make the story emotionally resonate with fans.
Every fan likely feels inspired by the story's possibilities and enjoys rooting for the protagonists. And that is what helps a story last.