Sunday, 15 August 2021 13:00

Marvel Fan Shows Off Impressive Black Cat Cosplay | Game Rant

Written by Raul Velasquez
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Sure, Catwoman came first but the Black Cat has her own kind of seductive charm over Spider-Man and this vintage cosplay proves why.

2021 will be a big year for Spider-Man as Marvel’s return to cinemas will be capped off with more Peter Parker adventures coming in December. However, one character unlikely to be featured in that film is still a cosplay favorite due to her unique allure, the Black Cat.

With Zendaya grabbing all of Tom Holland’s attention in one more Mary Jane and Peter iteration, plus the kind of riddled multiverse plot Spider-Man: No Way Home is gearing towards with Doctor Strange's inclusion, quite frankly there really isn’t much room for Felicia Hardy. And yet, the Black Cat’s inclusion in Marvel’s Spider-Man DLC, which has been masterfully recreated in cosplay fashion before, is a great statement to remind fans of the character’s popularity.

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In this case, Russian cosplayer Narga isn’t going for the Black Cat’s modernized costume, instead, she manages to honor Ms. Hardy’s original comic book look makes her look like she’s purely relying on the thieving skills passed down by Walter Hardy rather than any tech gadgets. From the very feline fur collar to the tight black leather suit, this minimalistic and incredibly accurate approach might be more reminiscent of the Black Cat’s first appearances in Marvel Comics, even wearing her hair loose regardless of how impractical that may seem for a stealthy burglar.

Narga’s Instagram account is plastered with equally impressive cosplay efforts and her YouTube channel even features tutorials on how to make useful and unique costume parts and props she puts to good use. With such resourcefulness at hand, it’s no wonder the Black Cat look suits her so well as Felicia Hardy could probably take that same DIY approach to these kinds of things too.

The Black Cat has always been an intriguing character whenever she shows up in Spider-Man’s adventures due to her unique moral compass and her always identifying herself as a thief above anything else. Sadly, Sam Raimi’s trilogy came short of finally introducing Felicia Hardy, just like The Amazing Spider-Man movies, although at least those two did give her a tiny bit of screen time while also making the lesser-known Gwen Stacy that particular Spider-Man’s love interest.

With another Spider-Man game heading to the PS5, the Black Cat could be set for more media appearances that might just get Sony’s side of the MCU interested in her. After all, Felicia’s unique origin story always makes her a potential date and compelling antihero for Spider-Man’s world, because who says Batman is the only one who can hang out a beautiful cat-themed thief.

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Source: @narga_lifestream|Instagram

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