With Genshin Impact's update 2.0, the new region of Inazuma has brought a plethora of interesting features. Quests that require cannons, new characters with never-before-seen abilities, and of course, a wide variety of new foes.
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With the number of new enemies in Inazuma, players can expect a heavy increase in difficulty. New opponents are like nothing seen in either Mondstadt or Liyue, which both featured their own annoying foes. With new Electro-infusion in old enemies and new mechanics in recent ones, players should proceed with caution when they explore Inazuma. Of course, not all is lost; difficult Inazuman enemies can be beaten with a combination of determination and good planning.
6 Electro-Infused Enemies

Like Mondstadt and Liyue before it, Inazuma hosts plenty of enemies with its representative element - Electro. These include hilichurls, lawachurls, abyss mages, etc. Each of these comes with its own unique mechanic related to the element: lawachurls with electro beacons instead of mines, abyss mages with Electro shields, and samachurls with their new lightning strike mechanics.
Nonetheless, these are among the easiest of the new enemies to deal with. General knowledge about elemental reactions will serve players very well. When confronted with Electro defenses, using Pyro, Cryo, and Anemo attacks will break them the quickest. As for avoiding damage from Electro attacks, better shielding often brings better results than dodging.
5 Nobushi

It's no surprise to the Genshin Impact community that the Edo Japan-influenced Inazuma region will have its own assortment of samurai opponents. The Nobushi is one of these new enemies, taking the form of ronin-like katana warriors with quick attacks.
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There are two major things of note when it comes to Nobushi: one, their attacks come in patterns, and two, they are more sturdy than normal treasure hunters. On the latter, players should avoid using Anemo attacks for crowd control purposes; Nobushi will not be launched or sucked in by the Anemo Traveler or Jean's talents. However, lucky for Genshin Impact players, their attacks consist of only a handful of patterns that are easy to remember after a few encounters.
4 Mirror Maiden

The Mirror Maiden makes for a somewhat interesting inclusion to the Fatui ranks. With attacks similar to Cicin Mages in the past, the Mirror Maiden specializes in using Hydro attacks.
Players should especially beware of the Maiden's trap attacks, stopping the character on the field from moving. While the trap itself does not damage the player, a massive attack follows it. In addition, because the Mirror Maiden is often paired with Fatui and Abyss units, it can make for a lot of lost health from attacks that cannot be dodged.
3 Kairagi

Like the Nobushi, the Kairagi give off a more samurai-esque feeling than other opponents found in Inazuma. However, the evil spirits of fallen warriors in battle, the Kairagi offer a much higher standard of difficulty than the Nobushi.
While they offer the same pattern-like fighting style, the Kairagi are both harder to defeat defense-wise and higher damage-wise. Most notably, the Kairagi infuse their weapons with their respective element: either Pyro or Electro. To best fight these types of opponents, quick feet and an opposing element (like Hydro and Pyro characters respectively) will make all the difference.
2 Pyro Hypostasis

The Hypostasis may very well be the most infamous over-world boss in Genshin Impact. Each nation so far has had at least one, and with Inazuma, the Pyro Hypostasis was introduced. That said, despite featuring a massive learning curve, the Pyro Hypostasis isn't the hardest boss in Inazuma.
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Players looking to venture to Yashiori Island to face off against the Pyro Hypostasis should be advised that a Hydro-user will be necessary. That, or expect for a very long and difficult battle. Especially during the Hypostasis' regeneration phase, a Hydro character will easily destroy the boss' beacons.
1 Perpetual Mechanical Array

Compared to the Pyro Hypostasis, the Perpetual Mechanical Array will require a lot more planning to succeed. The boss has no dominant element, so players will find themselves unable to use elemental dominance to pave their way to victory.
Rather, the secret to beating the Perpetual Mechanical Array comes with tactical prowess and patience. Players should especially beware of the Array's defensive mode when it releases its Ruin Sentinels. At first, this phase can be overwhelming, but by targeting the highlighted Sentinels, players can end the phase early.
In addition, having a good healer will make the process much easier. Of the bosses in Inazuma, the Perpetual Mechanical Array excels the most at damage dealing between heavy hits and fast-paced action. Some of the best healers include Noelle for increased shielding and Jean to avoid interruptions. On the other hand, players should avoid using Barbara who will be interrupted more often.
NEXT: Genshin Impact: Mistakes Players Make When Using Beidou