Monday, 16 August 2021 12:34

Apex Legends Player iiTzTimmy Jumps from Bronze to Predator Rank in 54-hour Stream

Written by Tyler Shipley
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After setting a goal of going from Bronze to Predator in a single stream, Apex Legends streamer iiTzTimmy grinds Ranked games for 54 straight hours.

There are some achievements in gaming that are so unbelievable that people wouldn't believe them unless they witnessed them live. Recently, this happened with Apex Legends streamer iiTzTimmy as he non-stop played the Ranked game mode inside of the current season 10 meta. Fortunately for him, the popular player was livestreaming the entire event that lasted for 54 straight hours.

Known for his high-octane gameplay and chill demeanor, fans regularly tuned in to watch iiTzTimmy destroy public lobbies. However, this stream was different. The streamer announced that he was attempting to go from Bronze to Predator in a single stream. On Saturday, August 14 at 12:44 pm, iiTzTimmy began streaming Apex Legends. Playing mostly the grapple gun equipped Legend known as Pathfinder, the insanely talented streamer decimated players in Ranked lobbies as he continued to climb the different ranks. Saturday came and went, but iiTzTimmy continued to stream.

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As the hours ticked by, fans continued to watch in shock as the streamer seemingly defied the need for rest and pushed on towards Predator. After 54 hours of non-stop Apex Legends and dealing with teams running the OP Legend Seer, he finally reached the finish line and achieved the rank of Predator. Not only was the accomplishment impressive from a stamina standpoint, the streamer reached a personal best for viewership, averaging 106,951 viewers during the final few hours that it took him to reach Predator rank. Many fans jumped on Twitter to congratulate the streamer and tell him to go to bed. Even the official Twitter account for Apex Legends applauded the streamer's accomplishment. "Proud of you, ya absolute legend," the developer commented.

Known throughout the Apex Legends community for his impressive skills, this isn't the first time iiTzTimmy has achieved an incredible accomplishment in the game. Only a couple of seasons ago, he managed to deal over 9,000 damage in a single game on Olympus. Besides his success with the Battle Royale, the popular streamer has been a part of the pro Valorant scene as well. Recently, he competed in a competition with Shroud.

Needless to say, it will be hard for another streamer to beat iiTzTimmy's accomplishment. Not only did the streamer manage to climb from the lowest to the highest rank in one sitting, he achieved his goal all while solo queueing. Hopefully for the well being of iiTzTimmy and everyone else, nobody attempts to repeat this insane challenge in Apex Legends in the future.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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