Tuesday, 17 August 2021 22:50

Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Remade in Dreams

Written by Patrick Young
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There are endless possible creations and crossovers in Dreams, with one fan modelling the iconic Star Wars weapon, Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber.

Since its launch Dreams continues to delight and amaze as users create breathtaking projects within it. Star Wars, a world ripe with spectacles and imagination, is a perfect inspiration for a Dreams creation, and one fan has certainly seized that opportunity.

To put it simply, Dreams is a game created by Media Molecule that allows players to create their own games or visual media. Players can then publish their creations, allowing other players to potentially download it and interact with it themselves. Upon release, players were somewhat baffled by what exactly Dreams was, or rather, what it could do. A year later though, and fans are beginning to tap into the game's power, like one fan did with their playable Ratchet & Clank level made entirely in Dreams.

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Reddit user Elca_YT recently uploaded their incredible Star Wars creation to the Dreams subreddit where it is getting a lot of buzz. Elca's creation is a model of Obi-Wan Kenobi's third and final lightsaber hilt as seen in Episode IV: A New Hope. The details on display are impeccable, each section of the hilt being textured with appropriate materials, like the gold focusing ring shining brilliantly, and the black of the main hilt being a bit duller. Unlike the playable The Mandalorian Dreams game, Elca's model is not for gameplay purposes and is just for viewing pleasure in the game. Click here to see more images of the Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsaber in Dreams.

One fan gives remarkably high praise for Elca's creation, thinking that it was actually an ad of some kind. Beyond the craftsmanship of the lightsaber itself, the collection of photos Elca has uploaded lend a great deal of showmanship to the piece. The combination of multiple camera angles and super dramatic lighting—a black background with one strong light source coming off screen—elevates this piece from great to exceptional. It is a shame though that the lightsaber is not for gameplay purposes because it could easily be modded onto a Light Side hero in Battlefront II or Cal in Jedi Fallen Order and none would be the wiser.

Dreams and its potential for crossovers has opened up a grey area for players that they may not have otherwise experience beforehand. People have been making fan games for forever, but those have typically been people wanting to learn how to make games through more mainstream tools like the Unity Engine. Last year though, Nintendo issued complaints to players making Dreams Mario projects, showing that not everything was possible in the game. That said, it would be nice for Elca and Star Wars fans in general to be able to continue making fan content without Disney knocking at the door, but who knows what might happen.

Dreams is available now on PS4 and PS5.

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