Wednesday, 18 August 2021 00:02

Genshin Impact: All Iwakura Clan Locations/Secret Achievement

Written by Olexander Michael Ivan Korda
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Genshin Impact players looking to earn several chests and primogems can find out the locations of all Iwakura Clan members in this short guide.

Throughout Inazuma, Genshin Impact players are likely to encounter several Samurai minibosses scattered across the region's multiple islands. What Genshin Impact players may not realize is that the minibosses are the last remnants of a notorious group known as the Iwakura clan.

There are a total of 5 Iwakura clan members that can be found throughout Inazuma. Once players defeat each of the five members, they are awarded the opportunity of facing off against the Iwakura clan leader. In the process of defeating the remaining members of the Iwakura clan, players will receive several high-value chests. They will unlock a Genshin Impact secret achievement when all of them have been defeated.

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Iwakura Clan Member Location 1

The first Iwakura clan member can be found next to a large rock north of the Byakko Plain waypoint. If players have been progressing through the world quests in Inazuma, it is likely that they have already fought the clan member at this location.

Iwakura Clan Member Location 2

The second Iwakura clan member is found in the large room next to the underwater waypoint in the Araumi dungeon. To gain access to this location, players must complete a series of puzzles to unlock the teleporter.

Iwakura Clan Member Location 3

The third clan member is located in the south of Genshin Impact's Tatarasuna region. To find the miniboss, teleport to the southern Tatarasuna waypoint. From the waypoint, glide directly west. Players will eventually notice a large hole in the ground that they can descend into. Players will find the clan member inside a cave after descending into the hole.

Iwakura Clan Member Location 4

The fourth clan member is found on top of the cliff located east of the Maguu Kenki boss. Players should see the miniboss after teleporting to the nearby waypoint.

Iwakura Clan Member Location 5

The fifth clan member is located to the west of the Fort Mumei region. Defeating this clan member also unlocks a high-level chest.

Iwakura Clan Leader Location

After defeating all five of the Iwakura clan members, players can now face off against the clan leader that is found northeast of the Kujou Encampment waypoint.

Final Reward Location

Once Genshin Impact players have defeated the leader of the Iwakura clan, they must return to the first Iwakura clan member location in the Byakko Plain. At this location, players will notice a locked Luxurious chest and two Samurai standing nearby. After interacting with the Samurai, players will find out that they are exiled members of the Iwakura clan. Defeat the samurai and insert their swords into the nearby grave to unlock the final chest.

Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version in development.

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