Thursday, 19 August 2021 17:14

Destiny 2: Xur Exotic Armor, Weapon, and Recommendations for August 20

Written by Derek Nichols
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Here is the scoop on where to find Xur in Destiny 2, what exotic items he has for sale on August 20, and whether any are worth the shards.

There are only a few days left until Bungie finally pulls the curtain back on the highly anticipated Witch Queen expansion. The digital event is set to kick off on August 24 and will finally show off what the studio has been working on, while fans remain hopeful that a release date will finally be shared after the initial delay. In addition, August 24 is also the launch date for Season 15, one that is already bringing a ton of changes to the Destiny 2 experience.

Over the past few weeks, Bungie has been revealing new changes and updates coming alongside season 15. This week, the studio shared weapon changes, both to the various types that are found in the game, as well as to a number of exotics as well. The biggest change for many is with the Vex Mythoclast, a weapon that has been brought back from the original game, though for many players, it lacked the power it had originally. Bungie has also acknowledged that fact and with season 15, the Vex Mythoclast is getting a number of huge buffs including a 40% damage boost to PvE, increased stats for range, stability, and rate of fire, while also reducing the Linear Fusion Rifle charge time.

RELATED: Destiny 2 Details Weapon Buffs and Nerfs for Season 15

For now, the weekend exotic gear merchant Xur has made his final return to Destiny 2 Season 14 with an all new inventory to check out over the next few days. Follow this guide for his most current weekend location, news on his exotic cypher quest, as well as a review of all the exotic gear he's brought for the weekend of August 20, 2021.

Where is Xur?

This weekend, Xur is back inside of the Hangar at the Tower.

As usual, fast travel to the main Tower location and head left into the Hangar. Once there, take another left and move past the Dead Orbit section to find a metal staircase. Move up the stairs to find Xur on a platform overlooking the mountain range off in the distance.

Class Armor and Exotic Cypher

While Xur's role is essentially the same as it was prior to the Beyond Light expansion, the exotic merchant also has weekly quests that players can acquire to unlock an exotic cypher. Not only are these required to purchase a second fated engram, but they're necessary to acquire legacy exotic gear from the Tower kiosk. Players can earn a new cypher by completing strikes and winning crucible or gambit matches. Gain bonus points for playing with clanmates or finishing more challenging activities.

Other than that, here are Xur's three gear pieces this weekend:

Sanguine Alchemy - Warlock chest armor

Following a few months on hiatus, the Sanguine Alchemy is back on sale. This exotic was completely overhauled and redesigned at the start of the Season of the Worthy so for Warlocks who originally avoided it like the plague, it may be time to take another look at it.

Blood Magic is the all new exotic perk which allows the player to pause the countdown timer of any rift they're in by getting kills with weapons. Essentially, this extends the duration of the rift based on how quickly the player can rack up enemy kills. While not crazy, this exotic item is now a bit more useful than it was in the past. It retains value in PvE activities, though it likely won't replace anything from the current meta. The roll is the lowest of the bunch this week, but still pretty solid overall.

Void Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +2
  • Resilience +13
  • Recovery +16
  • Discipline +14
  • Intellect +2
  • Strength +14

Raiden Flux - Hunter chest armor

The Raiden Flux exotic chest piece comes with the perk Synapse Junctions which buffs Arcstrider staff damage and duration when chaining moves together. To really maximize the return this exotic provides, its recommended that Hunters perform the light hit, light hit, heavy hit combo attack.

This is arguably the best exotic gear for Arcstrider Hunters and is absolutely recommended for players who like to run this subclass. The damage increase is substantial against all types of enemies and the added duration is extremely helpful. Once again, Hunters score big with a massive stat roll at 67.

Arc Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +4
  • Resilience +11
  • Recovery +20
  • Discipline +10
  • Intellect +6
  • Strength +16

One-Eyed Mask - Titan helm

At one point, this was the go to exotic for all things PvP and Crucible related for Titans. In fact, it quickly became a scourge for Hunter and Warlock classes, so much so, that Bungie ultimately nerfed the popular One-Eyed Mask making it not quite as effective as it once was. Still, this class-neutral item is still valuable even if the roll this week isn't great.

The reason this item is a great Crucible item is due to its perk Vengeance. Any enemy that damages the wearer becomes highlighted and if the player can kill the marked player, they get an overshield. The stat roll comes in at 62 and while the item may not be as powerful as it was, it's still worth a purchase.

Void Enhanced. Stat Values:

  • Mobility +16
  • Resilience +15
  • Recovery +3
  • Discipline +8
  • Intellect +6
  • Strength +14

Exotic Weapon

This electrically-charged bow fires an arrow that splits into three parts thanks to its perk, Split Electron. When the player aims down the sights and draws the bow all the way back, the arrow spread decreases. However, scoring a headshot will charge the next fired arrow to chain electricity between enemies close to each other. It's generally a fun bow to use in any mode, though it really shines in PvE modes where the chain attacks have more opportunity to happen.

The bow becomes an absolute monster once players unlock the catalyst for the Trinity Ghoul from finishing any core Crucible, Strike, or Gambit activity. Added back in May of last year, unlocking the catalyst makes any final blow trigger the Lightning Rod perk. The bow becomes a supercharged behemoth, especially when clearing out groups of enemies. Absolutely worth picking up this week for all players.

Additional perks:

  • High Tension String Compact Arrow Shaft

Here's the complete rundown of Xur's entire stock in Destiny 2 for August 20, 2021:

  • Sanguine Alchemy (Warlock chest armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Raiden Flux (Hunter chest armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • One-Eyed Mask (Titan helm) – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Trinity Ghoul (Bow) - 29 Legendary Shards
  • Exotic Engram - 97 Legendary Shards/1 Exotic Cypher
  • A Question - Exotic Cypher Quest

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is now available PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2 Weekly Reset: New Nightfall, Challenges, and Rewards

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