Thursday, 19 August 2021 23:00

Adorable Fan Sketch Shows Pinhead Joining Dead by Daylight

Written by Jared Stewart
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Following the recent announcement of Hellraiser's Pinhead joining Dead by Daylight, a fan shares an adorable sketch of the character.

With Pinhead officially set to be the newest licensed character joining Dead by Daylight, many players have shared their excitement. Dead by Daylight's subversive teaser snippet all but confirmed that Hellraiser would be added in some capacity. Fans now have the extra-dimensional sadomasochist to look forward to as the next killer, though there is no realm map or survivor joining them when they are released in the future.

Players have high hopes and desires for other horror antagonists joining Dead by Daylight. As Dead by Daylight's roster continues to grow with original and licensed characters, fans welcome the addition of fan-favorite horror icons from different franchises. However, one fan's portrayal of Dead by Daylight's killers sheds an innocent light on the game's otherwise gruesome figures while Pinhead is properly inducted.

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Naturecallsforink has shared an adorable sketch of Pinhead and the Trapper. But, rather than portraying these characters as the horrifying killers that they are in Dead by Daylight, Naturecallsforink has instead chosen to depict them as cherubic infants. This cute depiction shows the Trapper giving Pinhead an "orientation" toward the game's mechanics, which is only fitting since the Trapper was Dead by Daylight's original killer. With this alternative interpretation, the characters appear much more lovable and wholesome than their fearsome counterparts.

These Dead by Daylight characters also have with them their iconic in-game items, which include Pinhead's Lament Configuration puzzlebox and one of the Trapper's bear traps. Pinhead's Lament Configuration puzzlebox is an item that both survivors and Pinhead can locate and pick up. Survivors must find the puzzlebox to end a passive Chain Hunt, though Pinhead may teleport to a puzzlebox that is being presently solved.

Pinhead's introduction into Dead by Daylight was initiated during the game's latest Public Test Build, where players could enjoy learning the Cenobite's unique abilities. Of course, as with each of Dead by Daylight's DLCs, there is the potential for a new batch of players to purchase the game due to the content that is arriving. Speech bubbles in Naturecallsforink's sketch illustrate the Trapper explaining how killers operate efficiently within Dead by Daylight's realms.

Speech bubbles are included for dull and lit totems, survivors escaping through the exit gate, generators, and flashlights. Each of these concepts in Dead by Daylight requires new and experienced killer players to be adaptive and masterful with their selected killer in order to succeed. While a general gameplan may help thwart survivors in most circumstances, it will be interesting to see how the meta evolves and changes around Pinhead's inclusion to Dead by Daylight.

Dead by Daylight is available now on Mobile, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Dead by Daylight New Killer Pinhead Explained

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