Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is set to launch in a few months, bringing the original Mass Effect trilogy to modern platforms with a host of improvements. One of the biggest upgrades Mass Effect fans will notice in Legendary Edition is how much the graphics have improved when compared to the original games, with a recent tweet from the official Mass Effect Twitter account showing just how far the graphics have come.
The tweet compares how the graphics look on Virmire in the original Mass Effect when compared to Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Players will notice that the lighting has been greatly improved in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and the level of environmental detail also appears to have been heightened. Players will also take note of some other changes, like the new HUD in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, representing the unified HUD that players will see in all three games.
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One of the biggest Mass Effect choices players have to make is found on Virmire, so it's interesting that BioWare chose that planet to compare the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition graphics to the original game. It will be one of many tough choices that Mass Effect fans will have to revisit as they replay the games later this year.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition's graphical upgrade is certainly one of the biggest changes in the remastered collection, but it's not the only one. The original Mass Effect game seems to have gotten the most attention, with BioWare tweaking the game's infamously long elevator rides as well as improving Mako controls, which should make the vehicle sections far less frustrating. Whether or not BioWare's efforts have paid off remains to be seen, but fans will find out sooner rather than later.
While most of the changes will be found in the original Mass Effect, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has made some changes to the other games as well. Notably, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has a universal character creator, plus the extended ending for Mass Effect 3 is now baked into the experience, along with the other post-launch DLC that was released for the game over the years.
Otherwise, the upcoming Mass Effect: Legendary Edition should be a faithful recreation of the original Mass Effect adventures that fans know and love. Hopefully it's enough to tide them over while they wait for fresh details on the new Mass Effect video game that's currently in development at BioWare.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
MORE: The First Mass Effect May Be the Weakest Part of Legendary Edition, But That's Okay