Monday, 23 August 2021 12:30

New World: Everything You Need To Know About Mining

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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There are 9 kinds of Ore to find in New World which will be crucial for creating weapons, armor, and more. Here's how to get them all.

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Gathering resources is an important task in New World, as many of the crafting systems require a ton of materials to get to the highest-tier items. If weapons, armor, and other modern devices are desired, players will need lots of metals, stones, and other minable minerals.

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There is an order in which players must attain them, however, as each kind of Ore requires increasingly higher Mining skill levels to gather. The same can be said for being able to track them via one's compass or map, so aspiring weaponsmiths, engineers, alchemists, and more will need to do a fair bit of experience farming in various resource-rich areas.

When considering the next step, Smelting, players should keep in mind that more is needed than various Ores. There are secondary crafting materials as well, such as the different kinds of Flux, that are needed for some ingots. Players will need to obtain these secondary materials by looting containers found around the world or by converting them using a Material Converter item.

Mining Low-Tier Ores (Iron Ore, Silver Ore, & Oil)

Iron Ore

This basic mineral is the very first metallic resource that the player will be able to mine, as Iron Ore has no Mining skill level requirement to be gathered. All one needs is a pickaxe and a sturdy pair of arms to dig into these brown stones for the goods that lie within. However, players will need a Mining skill level of 25 before Iron Ore becomes trackable on the compass at the top of the player's screen.

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Silver Ore

Next up are the light gray boulders that contain Silver Ore, which players will need to have a Mining skill level of 10 or higher to gather. Tracking down Silver Ore will take until one's Mining skill level is at least 35, so be sure to experience-farm Iron Ore to get to this point quicker.


Strangely, Oil is considered an Ore much like the metals and stones in New World's mechanics and must be harvested from Seeping Stones once the player reaches a Mining skill level of 20. These stones that drip black goo can be tracked starting at level 45.

Mining Mid-Tier Ores (Gold Ore, Alchemy Stones, & Starmetal Ore)

Gold Ore

The renowned precious metal is mostly used in making more delicate and expensive pieces of gear, as opposed to other metals which are more crucial for weaponsmithing and armorsmithing. Gold Ore can be mined by players only after their Mining skill level reaches 45 and can begin to be tracked at level 70.

RELATED: New World: How To Get Silk & Infused Silk

Alchemy Stones

As their name implies, these partially-levitating stones are of particular interest to aspiring alchemists, so those seeking to brew potions from self-harvested ingredients may need to consider leveling up their Mining skill, as it will take until level 50 before Alchemy Stones can be gathered. Furthermore, the ability to track Alchemy Stones will be unlocked at level 75.

Starmetal Ore

This blue Ore will be easy to visually pick out among other rocks due to its bright coloration, however, even if players do spot some, they will need to have a Mining skill level of 100 before they will be able to gather Starmetal Ore. Tracking it down will take until level 125, which will make having to seek it out by sight alone obsolete.

Mining High-Tier Ores (Lodestone, Platinum Ore, & Orichalcum Ore)


Dark grey with specks of light brown, these rocks will be visually quite easy to miss, however, they do not give precious metals or magical materials but regular Stone, albeit higher tiers of the stuff. Lodestone goods can be gathered once players have reached level 105 of their Mining skill and tracked starting at level 155.

Platinum Ore

Similar to Silver Ore in appearance, Platinum Ore is much rarer and will require a significantly higher Mining skill level of 110 to be gathered by eager players. This is one of the hardest to find Ores in the game, only existing in relatively high-level areas, though, tracking it becomes much easier with a Mining skill level of 135, which, on a side note, is strangely lower than the tracking requirement for Lodestone.

Orichalcum Ore

This vibrant red Ore almost looks angry, as if mining it would be dangerous despite the fact that it is a harmless rock. Players wishing to smelt the only legendary refined metal in the game, Asmodeus (as well as regular Orichalcum Ingots), will need plenty of Orichalcum Ore, which can be gathered starting after one's Mining skill level reaches 175. Keep in mind that it will take until level 200 to be able to track this rarest of metals, though, after that, players will be able to call themselves a master of Mining.

NEXT: New World: How To Get Iron Ore & Iron Ore Veins

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