Diablo 2: Resurrected is the highly anticipated remaster of its 2000 counterpart, a game that a large audience still plays almost religiously to this day. Many Diablo 2 streamers and fans took part in the recent closed and open betas for Diablo 2: Resurrected and helped gather feedback for its launch. Despite the number of small bugs, streamers and players alike had many good things to say about the remaster overall, most notably how it captures that feeling that many fans had when they first experienced Diablo 2. Despite only the first two acts on Normal difficulty and 5 out of the 7 classes being available during these testing periods, it was a promising experience that will surely be mirrored when it launches in September.
Diablo 2 is simultaneously the granddaddy of the Action RPG experience and it also happens to hold the secret sauce when it comes to replayability and player retention. This is evident with players who continue to come back year after year to experience a fresh start during ladder resets, and the numerous Diablo 2 modded servers that each have their own communities. There's a unique feeling when starting fresh in Diablo 2 that not many games seem to be able to replicate, including its sequel Diablo 3. As such, it stands to reason that anyone who decides to give Diablo 2: Resurrected a try come launch should be prepared to handle this highly addictive experience.
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Diablo 2: Resurrected - Plan Ahead
When Diablo 2: Resurrected launches, there will be a time between when a player starts playing the game and when they need to take a break, where they might think to themselves that they can endure just one more run. Another hour or two goes by before the pressing need to take that food break overwhelms the urge to continue doing more Countess runs. This is common when a new, highly addictive game comes out, and it's up to the player to foresee these hurdles and create a game plan to overcome them for maximum Diablo 2: Resurrected enjoyment. This is because when unnecessary time is spent away from the game, that's when players miss out on the best drops.
The first thing new and old fans need to consider is just how much time they will have to dedicate to Diablo 2: Resurrected. Some players might have real-world obligations intertwined, while others might be lucky enough to spend tens of hours doing Pit runs with their Sorceress. Either way, real-world obligations are the number one priority because if something disastrous were to happen outside the game, it means less time spent in the game. Thankfully, Diablo 2: Resurrected is launching on a Thursday and there won't be any ladder upon launch. As such, there is no need to rush into the game right away, with fans having time to prepare for the coming weekend.
Once fans know how many hours they can dedicate to Diablo 2: Resurrected over the course of however many days they can spare on launch, it's time to meal plan. As humans, it's essential to eat food and take restroom breaks when necessary, so creating a meal plan will be key. The best way to do this would be to have ready-made meals prepped in plastic containers beforehand that can be thrown in the microwave quickly and efficiently, and while the microwave is going, take this time to use the restroom. Staying hydrated is almost a requirement when battling through endless hordes of demons in hell, so keeping water within reach all throughout the Diablo 2: Resurrected experience is crucial.
Now that food and water are taken care of, the last thing all players will need to have to ensure a comfortable experience is their gaming setup. Whether on PC or console, sitting in one spot for hours on end is unfortunately not good for the body, and a game as addictive as Diablo 2: Resurrected will surely be, the urge to endlessly do just one more run will be prevalent. As such, it is important to take the time to move around for a few minutes every 30 minutes to avoid any adverse side effects of prolonged sitting. One thing to note is it is important to maintain proper posture while slaying, so having good lumbar support will be beneficial in the long run.
A couple of minor but important additions to this plan would be proper stretching before, during, and after a play session. This includes stretching of the body and the wrists so as to avoid any long-term damage or pain. After all this, it is finally time to decide what class to play in Diablo 2: Resurrected, something that is not an easy decision. If fans old and new take the necessary precautions before Diablo 2: Resurrected launches, they can be sure that the time dedicated to slaying demons and flipping through loot will be time comfortably spent. After all, a player's character in Diablo 2 can only be as prepared as the player themselves.
Diablo 2: Resurrected will be available September 23, 2021 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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