Thursday, 26 August 2021 23:30

King's Bounty 2: The Major Player Characteristics Explained

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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There are some traits that can be a bit obscure in RPGs, and King's Bounty 2 is no exception. Here are what the player's major characteristics do!

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The video game industry is one full of constant evolution, which often results in novel features getting implemented in titles, even the more traditional kind. As such, there can be learning curves to understanding the functions and mechanics when first picking up a game.

RELATED: King's Bounty 2: Every Starting Character & What They Do

In King's Bounty 2, one such aspect that players will have to wrap their heads around are the Characteristics of one's chosen character, which can be found and analyzed in one's Inventory menu screen. There are a few different kinds, and all will shift throughout one's playthrough, as many weapons and pieces of armor will affect these character-tied stats when equipped.

Players should seek out pieces of armor and weapons that best suit their intended playstyle and character, so be sure to scan each item for desirable Characteristic boosts. Those interested in using a lot of spells are recommended to keep their eyes out for gear possessing high Arcane Knowledge and Magic Power, while those wishing to increase the strength of their units should be on the lookout for gear with great Warfare.

The Major Characteristics & What They Do

Arcane Knowledge

This Characteristic pertains to spell-related factors; primarily the research and upgrading of spells. The higher one's Arcane Knowledge, the less Mana it will cost to research and upgrade the spells that one can buy or find.Furthermore, Arcane Knowledge also dictates how much Mana one can start a battle with, meaning that higher Arcane Knowledge will grant more chances to unleash the most powerful (and Mana-expensive) spells in one's arsenal.

Magic Power

As the most straightforwardly named Characteristic, players will have little issue understanding that Magic Power pertains to how potent one's spells are in battle.

Firstly, the amount of damage players inflict with their spells gets a directly linked percentage boost from one's Magic Power, meaning that every point gained in this Characteristic will gradually increase one's damage output from spells. Players can even hover over their Magic Power in the Inventory menu to see how much of a boost they are currently getting down to the hundredth percent. It is worth noting that every 1 point in Magic Power seems to equate to about a 0.71% spell damage increase (data sampled at 13 Magic Power, which equated to a 9.21% spell damage increase for the mage character Katharine).

Secondly, Magic Power dictates how long the effects of one's spells last, however, this increase is much more restricted than the damage-boost. There will only be a duration increase of 1 turn per 75 points placed into Magic Power, meaning that an effect that usually lasts 2 turns will need at least 75 Magic Power to get naturally and passively increased to 3 turns.


Similar to how Magic Power works for spells, every point in a player's Warfare Characteristic results in one's allied units dealing proportionately more damage. For every 1 point in Warfare, players will get a 0.85% damage increase on their units (data sampled at 2 Warfare, which equated to a 1.7% allied unit damage increase for the mage character Katharine).

NEXT: King's Bounty 2: Where To Find The First Missable Loot

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