Friday, 03 September 2021 17:30

The Ascent: Best Build For Singleplayer

Written by Payton Lott
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Singleplayer mode can be tough in The Ascent — but with this build, players can become absolutely unstoppable.

Even without a rumored "Hard Mode," The Ascent has plenty of challenging moments over the course of the storyline. The final missions in the game can be impossible if players do not have the right build for the job. This is especially true in singleplayer. There may be fewer total enemies, but no one is going to come and revive the player.

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Because of how critical it is to maintain health, this build will focus primarily on keeping the player alive no matter what enemy they face. Every solo player will want to set up the build below, which seemingly makes indents immortal in game.

Skill Points

The principle focuses in the skill points categories will be the Vital Signs and Body Battery skills. Vital Signs provides additional health to the player for each skill point allocated. The skill will ideally be maxed out at 20 later in the game. Likewise, Body Battery increases the amount of energy a player has. More energy means more augmentations can be used, so invest heavily in this one.

Players will want to allocate their remaining points to four different skills: Tactical Sense, Critical Hit Rate, Weapon Handling, and Aiming. Out of these four, Tactical Sense should get the most points. The skill reduces the time it takes for grenades to cooldown. The reason why Tactical Sense is important will be explained in the next section.

The Skill allocations below are based on a level 25 character:

  • Tactical Sense: 15
  • Critical Hit Rate: 10
  • Weapon Handling: 5-10
  • Aiming: 5-10
  • Vital Signs: 20
  • Body Battery: 15

Gamers will not need to invest in Balance or Evasion for a single-player build. Balance is the worst skill in the game, and it is barely noticeable in gunfights. Evasion is a helpful skill, but not necessary for this build. Additionally, this solo class will not utilize Frame augments or modifications. Players have some leeway to allocate the Motorics skills, as they are not essential. However, reloading faster and having better spread make a marked impact on overall DPS.

Augmentations, Modifications, And Tactical

Optimally, here's how players should allocate the following slots in Single Player:

  • Aug Slot 1: Biometric Timestamp
  • Aug Slot 2: Life Transfer
  • Mod Slot 1: Vitasigns Booster
  • Mod Slot 2: Speedheal Mod
  • Tactical: Rejuv Grenade


Both of the augmentations for this build will be healing abilities. The best augmentation in the game is Biometric Timestamp. If gamers use this augment before a fight, all of the health they lose will reset as long as the character has 1 HP or higher. Biometric timestamp basically allows indents to eat damage for 10 seconds, and then insta-heal. There is no other augmentation that comes close to having a similar impact. With the skills above, the augmentation will be ready to use every 20 seconds or so, creating an endless loop of self healing, which is especially useful in single-player when gamers don't have teammates to rely on for support.

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In the second slot, users will want to equip the Life Transfer augment. Though not quite as impactful as Biometric Timestamp, it will keep players alive while the main augment charges back up. It's essentially a lifesteal mechanic: any enemies marked by Life Transfer are leached when they receive damage, healing the player. The entire time a fight is going on, gamers will be healing the character. When Biometric Timestamp is about to expire, it is a good idea to activate Life Transfer a little early. This will prevent the indent from falling below 100 HP. When combined with the Rejuv Grenade, a player with these augments is unstoppable.

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Rejuv Grenade

Rejuv Grenades create a healing AOE that lasts for about thirty seconds, and will fully heal the character in about half that time. Players need to be aware that some enemies can destroy the healing field, and others can use it to regain health. Still, the Rejuv grenade is one of the most valuable assets at the disposal of those playing Singleplayer.

The grenades provide a third failsafe if the other two augments are mistimed, or if enemies drive HP below 100. With three redundancies when it comes to healing, it will be a challenge to die in The Ascent.


These mods may not be available until later in the game. For those that have them unlocked, though, they are the icing on the cake for the build. Vitasigns Booster increases HP by 25, surpassing the level 20 cap. With the right armor, gamers can get over 350 HP while using the mod.

Meanwhile, the Speedheal Mod will increase the speed at which Life Transfer and Rejuv Grenades heal. It will also increase health gained from syringes and health packs. Add all these things together, and players have one of The Ascent's best builds.

NEXT: Hidden Secrets Many Still Haven’t Found In The Ascent

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