Friday, 03 September 2021 22:28

Star Wars Pattern Doesn’t Bode Well for Cere in Jedi: Fallen Order 2

Written by Joshua Duckworth
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One consistent pattern in the Star Wars franchise doesn't bode well for Cere's fate, come the eventual release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2.

Across 9 mainline films, additional shows and movies, comics, games, and more, Star Wars keeps to several patterns in the franchise. Not everything is super consistent and it does depend on the content matter, but there are certain elements that typically follow the same pattern. For example, most Star Wars planets are typically one-dimensional in nature, with Tatooine being nothing but a desert, Coruscant a city, and Kamino an ocean.

Another common element is the death of the Jedi Master, which doesn’t bode well for Cere in Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. She has overcome her struggle with the Dark Side, knighted Cal Kestis, and seen her former Padawan find peace in death. She may not be a Jedi Master in name, but she is one in spirit. What’s next for Cere in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 remains to be seen, but her death seems highly likely.

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Death of the Jedi Master

It’s worth looking at fallen Jedi Masters in recent franchise entries, not considering Order 66 since many fell then. In the original trilogy, Luke learns from and/or is trained by both Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, but both perish in the said trilogy. In the more recent sequel trilogy, Luke trains Rey (if briefly) and dies later when he confronts his former apprentice, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren.

The prequel trilogy is a little different, since the story follows established characters whose deaths come about later and ends with a lot of Jedi death due to Order 66. Qui-Gon Jinn is probably the best example of a Jedi Master’s death in this trilogy, but there are more notable ones. Just prior to the fulfillment of Palpatine’s insidious plan, fans see Jedi Masters like Kit Fisto and Mace Windu die by Palpatine’s hands. Other media still explore this trend, such as Star Wars: Rebels.

In Star Wars: Rebels, Ezra Bridger is trained by Kanan Jarrus—who isn’t a Jedi Master technically but becomes one out of necessity. He eventually passes too—even if death isn’t the final act of many Jedi Masters—but it does go to show that anyone fulfilling the role has an inevitable conclusion, one Cere will likely succumb to as well.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Cere’s Fate

Due to her role in Cal Kestis’ growth, she can be considered a Jedi Master in a similar vein to Kanan, not in name but in practice. This means that she is bound to meet his fate and the same fate of many Jedi Masters in the franchise. There are many ways it could go, whether that’s a fight to the death against a new Inquisitor, in saving the Mantis Crew from sort of threat, and so on. It is the Dark Times after all, and not many Jedi survive for too long. So, the writing seems to be on the wall for her death.

While this is speculation, the clearest way forward for Jedi: Fallen Order 2 is for Cal and Cere to "avenge" the Empire’s Inquisitors. Her former Padawan does ask Cal to “avenge” them after all, and such a journey will likely come with many dangers befitting a Jedi Master’s death. At the same time, there is a case for EA/Respawn to break from convention and have Cere survive until the end of the Jedi: Fallen Order franchise.

A character death would work well in the type of Star Wars story the developer seemingly wants to tell, but it is somewhat methodical. Either her death needs to be unique and epic, something that saves the future of the Jedi Order for the coming years, or it should be avoided with something more surprising taking its place. Nonetheless, until EA and Respawn officially announce Jedi: Fallen Order 2, all fans can do is wait and see.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 is reportedly in development.

MORE: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - The Case to Leave Darth Vader Behind

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