Saturday, 04 September 2021 02:52

Genshin Impact: Amakumo Peak Puzzle Solution

Written by Jessica Orr
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Genshin Impact has added new puzzles in the 2.1 update, and Amakumo Peak has a lot of rewards for players if they solve a few puzzles.

There have been a few changes included in the 2.1 Genshin Impact update, including the addition of new puzzles and rewards to the Inazuma region. To gain this great loot, the Seirai Stormchasers questline must first be completed. This will remove the barrier to the island.

Players must also have unlocked the Inazuma region to benefit from the Amakumo Peak puzzle solution or any of the fantastic additions added in the newest update.

RELATED: Genshin Impact Reveals Four New Weapons from Update 2.1

Amakumo Peak Pressure Plate Puzzle Solution in Genshin Impact

Players should first fast travel to Amakumo Peak in Genshin Impact if they haven't already by teleporting to the northwest waypoint on the island. From here, glide down to the pressure plate puzzle in the middle of the island, south of the water.

There are also many Amakumo Fruit locations around this area, so be on the lookout for them. Some enemies will be present, so make sure to take care of them first before attempting the solution.

If players have a Genshin Impact heavy hitter on their team, it should make fighting an enemy easier. After the area has been cleared, four pressure plates must be stepped on in the right order. While looking at them with the protagonists back turned to the water, the Amakumo Peak puzzle solution is:

  • First Plate: Last on the bottom row
  • Second Plate: Last on the top row
  • Third Plate: Middle on the middle row
  • Fourth Plate: First on the top row

A treasure chest will appear on the middle plate filled with 5 Genshin Impact Primogems and other loot. After grabbing these rewards, press start at the cube mechanism located beside the pressure plates. This will lower the water level and allow access to the underground. There will be Ruin Sentinels present after the water level has been drained.

Amakumo Peak Underwater Puzzle Solution

After jumping into the drained underwater section of Amakumo Peak, the two Ruin Sentinels will need to be defeated to start the next mechanism. Activate it, and the water level will drain again. Don't forget to open the Genshin Impact chest near the mechanism to get 5 more Primogems and other loot.

Glide down to the red barrier below and follow these steps to continue:

  • Touch the Seelie
  • Activate the red mechanism to the right of the barrier
  • Go through the lowered barrier and touch the Seelie again
  • Activate the yellow mechanism on the left
  • Press the next red mechanism in the next room
  • Go back out and interact with the yellow mechanism again

Players can now follow the glowing Seelie (not to be confused with the Mini Seelie Pets) up the stairs until it disappears. It will spawn a box with 2 Primogems. After opening the chest, follow the next Seelie, jump down, and take these steps:

  • Make sure the yellow mechanism has a horizontal line activated
  • Go up the stairs and start the red mechanism
  • Jump down the hole to the left of the red mechanism
  • Keep going forward and activate the yellow mechanism
  • Turn around and follow the Seelie up and through the lowered barriers (players must climb)

The Seelie will disappear, and another chest will spawn with 2 Primogems and other items. After claiming them, it's time to follow another Seelie up the steps until it disappears behind a blue barrier. Follow the only path available until reaching a Ruin Sentinel and turn left and up the stairs, then follow these steps:

  • Interact with the red mechanism and head back to where the Sentinel was
  • The red barrier will now be lowered, and players can go through and activate the blue mechanism
  • Head back up the stairs past the Sentinel and turn around at the top to pass through the lowered blue barrier
  • Interact with the yellow mechanism and head back down the stairs to the room with the blue mechanism by the Sentinel

Follow this path to the room where the Seelie disappeared behind the blue barrier, which is now gone. Players can now touch the last Seelie, popping the Great Amakuma Peak achievement and earning 5 Primogems when claimed from the achievements tab. A chest and mechanism will also be available to interact with. Open the Luxurious Chest and then start the mechanism to lower the water level for the last time.

Glide down to claim three more chests at the bottom of the cave, and the arduous Amakumo Peak puzzle cave is finally complete. It's not one of the hardest places to explore in Genshin Impact, but it can be tedious if players are in a rush.

Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version in development.

MORE: 15 Pro Tips For Genshin Impact You Need To Know

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