Thursday, 09 September 2021 12:46

Next Halo Infinite Multiplayer Preview Gets Start Date, Here's How to Sign Up

Written by Tyler Shipley
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More players are getting a chance to check out Halo Infinite after 343 Industries announces the start date of a new multiplayer preview.

While fans of Halo Infinite have had to endure a number of delays, it seems that the end is finally in sight. With the release date for Halo Infinite confirmed, some fans have already had a chance to try out the multiplayer. According to 343 Industries, even more players are going to have an opportunity to play the game in just over 2 weeks as part of a new multiplayer preview.

While the previous Halo Infinite technical preview focused on bots, this upcoming multiplayer test looks to change things up. According to the Halo community director Brian Jarrard, this new preview will have a “much bigger focus on Arena PvP.” In addition, the developers are adding a new map and objective modes along with a playable form of Big Team Battle.

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In a recent tweet from the developer, the next multiplayer preview for Halo Infinite is scheduled to begin on September 24 with the duration of the event still unknown. While 343 already had one multiplayer preview that ran from July 29 through August 1, not all players were selected to participate. Luckily, it appears that everyone that signs up for this next preview should be able to play. The only requirement for those looking to join is a fully registered Halo Insider profile as of September 13. With this in mind, the developers at 343 provided players with some tips to make sure they are ready to go when the multiplayer preview goes live.

Obviously, the major step players need to take in order to play is sign up for the Halo Insider program. However, the developers listed a number of items for gamers to double check to make sure their profiles are completed correctly. According to 343, a surprisingly high number of applicants had failed to properly fill out the information to become eligible for the previous test flight. One thing those attempting to sign up for the Halo Insider program need to consider is the name of the gamertag they are using to make the account. Apparently, some people made accounts with one gamertag and then tried to access the multiplayer preview with a different one.

Another important note includes opting in for email as this is how 343 sends invites for Halo Infinite multiplayer testing. Furthermore, players need to fill out all the information regarding the Flighting section. Those wanting to preview the game on PC must get the DxDiag info for their PC and link their Steam Account in order to finish signing up for the program as well. Lastly, 343 emphasized that players need to verify the email used for their Halo Insider account.

After a number of delays from 343 Industries, it's exciting for a large number of fans to finally get a chance to check out the game. Time will tell what the reception is to this new multiplayer preview.

Halo Infinite releases December 8, 2021, for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: Halo

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