Thursday, 09 September 2021 15:50

Red Dead Online Fans are Disappointed With the Latest Update

Written by Joseph Francis Docherty
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Red Dead Online receives its latest Quick Draw Club update for this week, but many players on the game's official subreddit are not impressed.

Fans of Red Dead Online have not been quiet about the poor quality of content updates the action-adventure Western has received in the last several months. Particularly when compared to Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto 5, which many are quick to point out has thrived on countless expansions and overhauls, such as the popular GTA Online Los Santos Tuners.

For the uninitiated, the Quick Draw Club is a series of passes set up in four consecutive installments, introduced as part of the recent Red Dead Online Blood Money update. With each segment of The Quick Draw Club, players will get access to 25 Ranks of rewards for a steep pay-in of 25 Gold Bars. However, there is the chance to earn those 25 Gold Bars back for each pass by completing all 25 Ranks.

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But not everyone is happy with this week's Quick Draw Club, with the two main cruxes of the update being highlighted in a debate spawned on Red Dead Online's official subreddit, a hotspot where many outlaws show off neat in-game tricks and artists flex their creativity by producing stunning Red Dead Redemption 2 fan art. User Xvilo asked players about their thoughts on the latest Quick Draw Club No. 3, resulting in an overwhelmingly mixed and negative response regarding the quality of the update.

The disdain from the Red Dead Online community is mostly directed at the fact the third Quick Draw Club can be completed within a very short amount of time, with one user acing the entire Club in just fifteen minutes by using pre-collected sets. This is tremendously frustrating, particularly as the entire point of the Quick Clubs is to keep players occupied for in-between major updates, which are also few and far in-between.

On top of that, after putting in the effort, players are met with gears and items that one user described as "mediocre." A statement echoed by others, with phrases like "old recycled stuff" and "really underwhelming" being commonly declared. In short, the lack of quality in Red Dead Online updates has left many fans disappointed, with a sour taste in their mouths over the wasted potential the multiplayer mode had.

Many players are unfortunately not surprised by the fact that updates have slowed to a crawl lately, with Blood Money being the first major update in the last seven months. A recent report revealed that Rockstar Games has shifted development resources from Red Dead Online to the brand new Grand Theft Auto remaster project.

Red Dead Online is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: Red Dead Online: Il Sovrano Guide

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